Stepping into the New Year and I immediately stop myself from making utterly ridiculous resolutions. I know that for the first week back to school I won’t be in bed by 9 reading my book – although I really ought…
The Benefits of Meal Prepping.
Collaborative Post Do you know the benefits of meal prepping? I have to confess that processed food has a habit of sneaking into our weekly meals and snacks. I try to eat a healthy diet. But, sometimes we have weeks…
Meal Planning on a budget.
Collaborative Post Like many families, we are feeling the pinch. More specifically, we are aware of the uncertainty of things to come. So, we are trying to be extra careful with our budget. When I first had children, I was…
#MealPlanningMonday W/C 26th September
After a long break, I’ve decided to go back to meal planning each week. I read a fabulous post by The Joy of Five, and she wrote about how she was starting to budget for Christmas, and the best ways…
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Meal Planning Monday W/C 21/04/2014
Having the Easter holidays has been great fun, but a little expensive on the meal planning front as we’ve had picnics and extra treats here and there. They’re not hugely expensive, but the addition of the extra cake or packet…
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Meal Planning w/c 24.02.14
I’ve forgotten to meal plan the last couple of weeks, and the result has been disorder in the shopping and eating..not too much waste but more than I want and certainly we’ve spent more than we wanted to! So here…
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Meal Planning Monday W/C 13/01/2014 Grocery Budgeting..
For the next couple of months, I’m examining our food shopping, how we spend our budget and where we could “improve”. I have to confess, I am not intent on being frugal, I want to be able to eat the…
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Meal Plan for w/c 25th November..
Linking up with Meal Planning Monday again, a little late after having had fabulous fun in London at the Britmums Xmas do! So, seven dinners and some desert ideas.. Mini Roast with vegetables.Steak and home made chips.Cheesy Potato Pie.Pasta with…
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Meal Planning Monday W/C 18/11/13
When Boo was a baby, I was very good at ensuring I meal planned every week without fail, it helped us survive on a tiny budget! However, when E arrived I relaxed a bit and over the last 2 years…