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    Barny’s Winter Little Adventure..in the woods..

    I’m not going to lie, we’re big fans of Barny here, both boys love the little bear cakes which are filled with yuminess, and I love the fact they’re individually wrapped – ideal for lunch boxes. When we were sent…

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    Meal Planning w/c 24.02.14

    I’ve forgotten to meal plan the last couple of weeks, and the result has been disorder in the shopping and eating..not too much waste but more than I want and certainly we’ve spent more than we wanted to! So here…

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    Midwife Booking Appointment..

    As soon as I’d had the early scan, I booked my midwife booking appointment, this is usually the first proper contact with a midwife you get when you’re pregnant. I’ve had mixed experiences of community midwives, and so I had…

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    Win a £20 voucher for Mama Jewels!

    Most parents have experienced that moment that your baby picks up the favourite necklace currently hanging so appealingly around your neck and yank..suddenly you have two bits of a necklace! Or worse still they attempt to put every item into…

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    Egg the Duck..

    My 3 year old has just started to take an interest in helping me in the kitchen, his favourite thing lately to “cook” is scrambled eggs and he takes great pleasure in whisking the eggs up with a fork! Scrambled…

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    A little announcement..

    For the last 48 hours I have been texting my dear friend Ani, I have sent her the top 500 reasons why I’m feeling chubby. She thought I was totally mad, why did she even care?! But she entertained it…