• Fashion,  Lifestyle

    Why Choose Ethical Fashion?

    I was amazed to learn that the fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters in the world. This is not just terrible for the environment, it is dire for the workers who are exposed to dangerous chemicals or poor working…

  • Uncategorized

    Corfe Castle, Dorset

    There’s something special about castles. As soon as I visit one, my imagination starts to run wild. I find myself imagining what would have happened when the castle was alive with Knights. I guess the days I spent watching and…

  • Reviews

    Finding Dory Aquabead Playset – Review

    Finding Dory, if you’ve not seen it, make time to watch it over the Easter holidays! Starring Dory (of course!) from Finding Nemo, and the story may be similar, but I think I almost prefer Finding Dory to the original…

  • Reviews

    Dolmio Midweek Meal! #ThankGoodness

    This post is my entry for the #Dolmio #ThankGoodness Challenge Sponsored by Dolmio – http://www.dolmio.co.uk/thankgoodness.aspx The midweek slump, you’ve made it to Wednesday and it’s a struggle to think what to cook. You want to call out for a takeaway,…

  • Reviews

    Tips for great summer skin!

    Collaborative Post. Spring has arrived and we have already begun to see the first sunny days! I love summer, long days which roll into sunny evenings. And of course an excuse to hit the beach (as if we needed one!).…

  • Reviews

    Get organised!

    Being organised can make the day run so much better – especially if you’re busy! So, I’m sharing my easiest tips on how to stay organised with a family..

  • Reviews

    The Perfect Coffee – everytime!

    Coffee, why do you drink it? I find coffee is quite a sociable drink. Once upon a time I would have met friends for a cocktail, now I tend to meet them for coffee. I see coffee as a bit…