Health and Fitness

  • Health and Fitness

    What to wear Running…

    I am still in the midst of a love hate relationship with running. I don’t love running. But, I hate it when I don’t go. I love the feeling after I stop running, and I am starting to enjoy each…

  • Health and Fitness

    Preventing Injuries During Exercise.

    Collaborative Post. Whether you’re used to exercising regularly or new to exercise, the basics are the same. It is always important to make sure you protect yourself from injury. Getting injured means time off training, and so your goals take…

  • Health and Fitness

    Couch to 5k

    Yesterday I re-started Couch to 5k. I needed some structure in my exercise, and I needed to start the process again. I’ve not run for several months, it is amazing how missed days turn into weeks and then months. I’ve…

  • Health and Fitness

    New Year – New Diet?

    I’ve lost track of the number of diets I’ve tried. Calorie counting, cutting food groups, virtual starvation, and an attempt to eat a well balanced diet. The latter was hardest, and had the best results, but unfortunately I began to…

  • Health and Fitness

    FitBit Versa – Review

    Until Autumn last year, I hadn’t owned a Fitbit. I didn’t see a reason to own one – did I need one if I wasn’t training for something? Surely not. But when I started running regularly, I realised that my…

  • Health and Fitness

    Looking after yourself.

    For years I’ve tried to be careful with my diet. I try to look after myself by exercising and always turning up to routine medical appointments. But sometimes I forget that I need to look after my mental health too.…

  • Health and Fitness

    Tips on Treating White Spots on your Teeth

    ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN PARTNERSHIP WITH MEDIABUZZER. Source If you have noticed small white spots on your teeth, it could be caused by a number of reasons, which include dental fluorosis, a condition that results from consuming too much fluoride. A…