
  • Fashion,  Lifestyle

    Why I buy second-hand clothing.

    While many people buy from online selling sites, there is still a stigma attached to buying “second hand”. I can’t help but wonder why this stigma exists? There are so many barely worn or even new items in the second-hand market.

  • Fashion,  Reviews

    Hunkemoller – Nightwear – Review

    I can’t tell you how delighted I felt when a parcel arrived from Hunkemöller, direct from the Netherlands. Inside the parcel was a beautiful pair of pyjamas which I had chosen for this review. Every Winter I love to treat myself…

  • Fashion,  Lifestyle,  Reviews

    Star Wars Kids Shoes by Po-Zu Review

    Finding ethically produced shoes, and choosing shoes which your child ADORES doesn’t always go hand in hand. With brands like many main stream brands producing in countries such as China, India and Vietnam you can’t guarantee that children as young as…

  • Fashion,  Reviews

    What is in your luggage?

    It’s almost summer holidays! I’m not go through lie, I’m so excited I’ve already started packing! With three children I struggle with my own packing space, so my luggage is packed strategically! I start with a great pair of shoes…

  • Fashion,  Lifestyle

    Why Choose Ethical Fashion?

    I was amazed to learn that the fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters in the world. This is not just terrible for the environment, it is dire for the workers who are exposed to dangerous chemicals or poor working…

  • Fashion

    Palava Christmas Party Style

    Palava are probably best known for their beautifully illustrated story book dresses. Their dresses bring to life the story book which they arrive with. Yes, each dress comes with its own Palava story book! Formerly known as Poppy England (Established 1980),…

  • Fashion,  Reviews

    What’s in my Autumn wardrobe?

    When the guys at Love the Sales got in touch to talk to me about Autumn fashion, I was excited, not least because they let me choose a wonderful jumper! But also because I really love Autumn fashion, it’s so…

  • Tunic top

    Essential Holiday Fashion!

    This article is published in partnership with Mediabuzzer Packing for my summer holiday has always been a hand luggage only affair, I hate waiting to collect luggage, so always travel light! Yes, OK, sometimes to my peril..I’m thinking back to…