The Perfect Coffee – everytime!
Coffee, why do you drink it? I find coffee is quite a sociable drink. Once upon a time I would have met friends for a cocktail, now I tend to meet them for coffee. I see coffee as a bit of a treat. Once the school run is done in the morning I make coffee!
I love “proper coffee” but, I’m the only coffee drinker in the house so making a pot of “proper” coffee seems a bit extravagant. So the opportunity to review Rombouts Coffee on cup filters was rather exciting!
I was amazed to learn that Rombouts One Cup Filters were invented in 1958, for the Brussels World Exhibition. In 1964 they first appeared in shops. Now, the joy of one cups is you do get the perfect cup every time, there’s no guessing whether you have put enough coffee in or not! It’s proper coffee without the need for a fancy machine, and they’re perfect if you’re on the go – no mess but the perfect cup of coffee, EVERY time!
Rombouts are a Belgian coffee company which started in Antwerp in 1896! By 1966 Rombouts was appointed Certified Royal Warrant Holder of Belgium. Rombouts coffee is Fairly traded, and they’re keen to make their products as eco-friendly as possible. They use paper pods in their rather fabulous looking coffee machines. The one cups are made of plastic, but it is a thin type of plastic which can be recycled, however my local recycling does not recycle them at the moment.
Coffee On the Go
Rombouts have a great travel mug, which I have loved using! It’s BPA free, an can be put in the microwave. The perfect cup of coffee on the go has made football training, swimming lessons and easier to manage! I like the retro design on the side of the cup, and it is easy to keep clean – important for me as we don’t have a dishwasher! I noticed that currently, if you collect 4 codes from One cup filter boxes, you can get a Rombouts Travel Cup free!
What’s your perfect cup of coffee?
Medium Roast, Strong, Decaf? Pick your favourite blend and enjoy the perfect coffee! I usually use a Strong roast to make a cappuccino with in the mornings. While the coffee is filtering into my mug, I heat some milk then whisk it, adding the milk on top of the filtered coffee. A medium roast is the perfect mid morning coffee, and by the afternoon I move onto Decaf! The Decaf are easy to spot as they are blue plastic, and smell different. I’d never actually enjoyed Decaf until I tried the Rombouts Decaf one cup filters!
WIN Rombouts Coffee!
So, you’ve read about the Rombouts One Cup Filters, now how would you like to WIN a selection of your own? To enter follow the simple steps on the Rafflecopter widget below! Good luck!
Disclaimer: I received Rombouts items for review.
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Mary Heald
I love latte but also partial to a cappuccino
Jo Hutchinson
I love a Medium Roast coffee with milk.
Good old filter coffee with a little milk.
Claire Nutman
Extra hot Latte, many thanks
Zoe C
Strong coffee, with a little milk and no sugar
laura banks
i like a cappuccino but usually at work i have it black no sugar
Hayley F
strong coffee, no milk one sugar x
Jax Blunt
Strong and black.
Fiona K
I love strong black slightly sweetened coffee
stuart hargreaves
Gotta be a Cappuccino for me
Kelly Glen
I love coffee as long as it’s very very strong.
Sam R
Vanilla Latte!
Sarah N
I like a flat white
melanie stirling
It depends on my mood,sometimes a latte but usually plain coffee with a bit of milk.
Kerry Taylor
Strong and black.
Louise A
Americano with whole milk for me
Christine Shelley
Becky John
Strong with a dash of milk.
Caroline H
My absolute favourite is an espresso but usually it’s a strong filter with just a dash of soya milk.
jodie beaumont
Strong with a bit of milk!
Jo Carroll
I really enjoy a long tall glass of very milky latte I have to admit…especially in the cafe when I’m out shopiing with my best friend. x
amy bondoc
black coffee with a spoon of honey 🙂
Chloe Davies
Cappuccino x
leanne weir
i like a cappuccino
John Tingay
My favourite is a very, very strong black coffee with an ice-cold water chaser.
frances hopkins
Latte x
Susan Hoggett
I love a nice cappucino, no sugar but some cocoa powder sprinkled on top
I like a Gingerbread Latte.
Val Swift
My everyday coffee I drink black, but I do like an occasional ameretto latte
Elisabeth Ries
When the weather is good it has to be iced coffee, but proper iced coffee not those frappuccino drinks that are too thick.
Iris W
I love a cappuccino or just any coffee with frothy milk no sugar
Mary N
I really like iced cold brew.
Jo W
Espresso or a black coffee with brown sugar
Jade Hewlett
I like a cappuccino
Victoria N
I love a latte
Leila Benhamida
My favourite coffee is Irish coffee. Love a good cup ans enjoy it first thing in the morning.
a strong cappuccino for me or sometimes a flavoured latte
Mark Bradbury
Latte every time.
stephen holman
americano with splash of milk
Lisa Wilkinson
A cappuccino
pauline hill
LOVE Cappuchino
Kristy L Brown
I love a skinny latte
Ema J Lowe
I enjoy a latte with an extra shot.
Shelley White
My fave coffee is cappuccino with lots of frothy milk on top n a shake of chocolate!
Suzanne Jackson
I like toffee latte
Sarah Ann
I’ve recently discovered a roasted hazelnut coffee blend that I’m loving.
Black coffee always
Rich Tyler
I love latte 🙂
Michelle Ptak
I love a filter coffee with cream!! Indulgent!!
Faye Reed
Definitely a latte, I drink them every day.
Karen R
A leisurely latte and good company is the perfect way to spend an afternoon 🙂
Maureen Quinnell
Strong with a dash of hit milk
Keshia Esgate
I have recently discovered a Flat White and love it!
Andrew Hindley
Love Irish Coffee
ellie spider
i like cappuccino 🙂
Jessica Hutton
Latte xx
claire little
Sandie A
Cappuccino 🙂
Lynne OConnor
Caramel frappe
Katie Skeoch
I prefer a flat white, nice strong coffee & milky
Ellen Stafford
Definitely Latte
Jamie C Millard
a milky latte.
George Wright
Americano, no sugar,