Pregnancy + App – Review
People assume after your first pregnancy, you know how it works and that you’ll remember it for the subsequent pregnancies. I don’t know about anyone else, but in my experience you tend to forget things which happened and also each pregnancy is very different! I was offered the Pregnancy + app to try out, and I was delighted to try it out as it meant I could have a handy guide to pregnancy at my finger tips! I don’t have the most up to date version, as my little iphone 3gs can’t cope with all the many features the app has, however the version I have has impressed me and I find myself eagerly checking it daily to see what is happening with baby!
The features, a daily and weekly section which tells you what baby might be up to. A section with images showing you roughly how big baby might be, e.g this week my baby is about the size of a mango!
Each day the app greets with you with exactly how pregnant you are, which is handy especially if you end up having to pop to the Dr’s and then “about 20 weeks” means they sit and fiddle about with their chart trying to work out how many weeks plus days you are.. (or is that just my experience of Dr’s?!).
The organiser is great and gives you a section to store pregnancy appointments in, and a handy shopping list of suggested items plus a section you can complete yourself of things you may want.
The section we are playing with the most at the moment has to be the baby names, with the top 500 or 100 of names. I have to confess to trying to avoid the top 10 baby names, when we named our eldest his name was unusual, it is now a name (in abbreviated form!) I’m hearing frequently and I sigh as I did like the fact it was a bit unusual! This time round choosing names seems even harder, so the app is helping with plenty of ideas!
The “Me” section on the app, enables you to track weight gain (if you wish) foods you can and can’t eat and a great section on births (different types!) how to know if you’re in labour, and perhaps most importantly a section on when to call the Doctor – I learnt a few things from reading that which I wish I’d known in my first pregnancy!
So, who would I recommend this app for? Any pregnant lady or their partner, I found it really helpful, it’s been like having a pregnancy book with me at all times! The basic app is free, but the full app is priced at £1.99 I think it is a bargain, it is available via Apple or Android! Check out the site for further information!
Disclaimer: I received the app free of charge for the purposes of an honest open review.
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