Fuzzikins Dress-Up Mega Pack – REVIEW
We were delighted to have been sent a Fuzzikins Dress-Up Mega Pack to review. It’s coming up to Christmas, and I know many people are already starting their shopping – actually I’ve already started mine! So, I will be sharing a few toy reviews and gift ideas over the next weeks.

Yo is 6, and loves to play with figures – especially animals. But the special thing about Fuzzikins is that they can be coloured in! So each Fuzzikin animal is as unique as your child wants to make it. I love this idea, as it means the that it can be like a new toy each time Yo wants to play. I think it enables it to be played with time and time again.

The pack contains, 6 characters, accessories, a toy mirror, a cardboard treasure box to store the Fuzzikins in, and cardboard figures to cut out and practice designs on.
Create and Play
The Mega Dress-Up pack contains accessories for each of the Fuzzikins to wear – the accessories can be coloured in too! The accessories range from Dr’s accessories (stethoscope and medical bag) to a super-hero style mask and cape. Colour them in, dress the characters and they’re ready to play! There’s even a mirror so the characters can admire each of their new looks!

Then when you fancy a change… They can be washed off, ready to be coloured in again another time!

I was pleased with how well the characters wash off, Yo really enjoyed giving the characters a “bath” to clean them off!
The Dress-Up Mega Pack has an RRP of £19.99 which I think is very good value for money. There’s a lot of play value, designing and colouring the characters, then playing with them. Also, rather than needing to buy lots of different packs to get different animals, the Fuzzikins Mega Dress-Up pack has 6 different animals in the pack. So I think it would be a lovely gift on its own, or as an addition to other Fuzzikins sets.

I really like the fact that it encouraged Yo to sit quietly while she coloured her characters in brightly. Then she played animatedly, and they’re small enough for her to carry about when we go out on walks too!

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