Olbas Oil for Children – Top tips to help Children Sleep
“You lot have had a cold for months” remarked one of my friends the other day, and do you know what? She is so right! What’s worse is that while we can manage the symptoms during the day, night time is awful and settling the children becomes a challenge – they can’t sleep at all with stuffy noses and we’re constantly exhausted.
What we have found to be a total life saver during a cold is Olbas Oil for children as a bit sprinkled on a hanky and left next to the bed seems to do wonders for helping keep their noses clear.
Now, I was invited to an event late last year with Olbas Oil, but couldn’t go as we had a terrible cold..which in a way has proved to be a good thing, as now I can share this video of top tips to help your child sleep, with the knowledge that Olbas Oil for children is the remedy which helps my boys sleep during sniffles, and this is our winter must have! Infact, Mr G and I resorted to using the children’s stuff ourselves last night as we’d run out of the grown up stuff! I’ve tried lots of remedies, and Olbas Oil is our preferred choice. So, if you are suffering with the sniffles – get well soon – and check out these top tips to help your little one(s) get some sleep!
Age 2, what are we going to do!
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One Comment
Liz Burton
Oh no, I went to that event – I didn’t know you were supposed to be there!
Olbas Oil rocks doesn’t it?