Fun childrens clothing!
Sometimes I find buying clothes for the boys difficult, you see I want them to wear fun clothes which they will enjoy wearing and I will enjoy seeing them in. All too often clothes for children – especially toddlers, are just mini versions of adults clothes, and don’t scream fun!
When I came across Love it, Love it, Love it, I was delighted to see that fun clothes for children were out there! Brightly coloured with bold patterns and funky designs, toddlers clothes are fun! Proof that boys can have just as much fun with their wardrobe!
I love the retro patterns on these lovely Smafolk tops and rompers, sadly my boys are both to big to fit the rompers, but I’m sure I’ll be able to let my friends treat their children! There are some lovely organic clothes to which are fabulous for sensitive skin, I’m especially fond of the green cloud jacket which goes up to age 8 – such fun for either a boy or girl!
Music for Kids: Pirate Recorder set!
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