Decluttering continues.. Christmas preparation begins…
With half term over, it’s the time when I start preparing for dare I say it… Christmas! Although as Boo is off school poorly today and they’ve said as he was sick he’ll have to be off tomorrow to.. things will have to be slightly delayed but it doesn’t stop my planning!
While Boo’s at home I’m concentrating on de-cluttering, I was doing so well at clearing things and then made the error of starting on cupboards..cue things being ‘found’ and the clutter beginning to gather once more. I’ve concluded that clutter is not something which I can deal with once and forget about, but more an ongoing operation! Boo’s school is doing a bag to school soon, so I plan to fill the bag with clothing and old bedding, hopefully clearing a little cupboard space which might in turn enable me to clear some of the bedroom clutter which keeps creeping up on us! I’m determined that by Christmas the house will be clutter free!
Christmas, I have already ordered our Christmas lunch from Waitrose as I managed to find a Christmas slot which suited us perfectly! I have yet to inform the family that we’re having Christmas at home again this year, but as Mr G will be working all the way up to the big day I think it’s only fair..although whether that view will be shared I’m not sure.. I suppose I ought to work out which day we’re going where over the holiday too..I must make the calls and save the dates! Is it too early to write Christmas cards?! According to Boo it’s not too early to start his Christmas list..
We’re sending a parcel out to Uganda to the charity Hands for Hope, they need some Christmas decorations and so we’re sharing a little Christmas cheer. I also think it helps Boo to understand the real meaning of Christmas by helping others and learning more about other children in the world. those are my plans for the Christmas run up, now the question is will I manage to succeed in being as organised as I’m hoping??
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Awww. I hate de-cluttering – it’s a never-ending task. We’re lucky that we’ve just moved house so we threw all the rubbish out then. The house looks so bare though. Can’t wait to get a huge christmas tree in here!!!!
gareth batty
you’re right !
November is really the month of preparation of all these little treasures you want to prepare for Christmas. and for me, the month of November is always too short to do everything….
thanks a lot for sharing
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