Family Time – an update
It’s been a while since I wrote an update on family life. I think as all the children are getting bigger, I find myself more time limited – family time is limited! Life with 4 children is busy. It’s chaotic. There is never enough time. But, it’s strangely wonderful.

Family Time
I’m very lucky really. My children are fun to be around, so family time is wonderful. Don’t get me wrong, there are times when they exhaust me and frustrate me in ways I can’t even describe. But they are mostly good natured and make me laugh. They are keen to learn to do new things, every day I seem to be watching one of them trying out something new. The dynamics between them can be entertaining. They are competitive amongst themselves. But also keen to help each other – and will take time to offer their own take on how to get something done. Of course, that’s not always welcome advice. I admit, I find myself yelling “will you just stop arguing!” frequently. But that’s all part of growing up, and I have to breathe and remind myself that it’s all ok really.
The children are all very active, they love sport. I sometimes find myself getting in a muddle with who is meant to be doing what – when! I admit, my time management for remembering where I need to be when, is not quite as good as it used to be. But I think I’ve got better at getting three things done when we’re out, rather than different days for different things. Since having Covid, I know that I am not as active as I was, but I’m hoping that will improve over time. I love swimming with the children, even dunking myself in to cold water swim with the boys whenever the opportunity arises! The active side of older children is something I am really enjoying, more than I thought I would!
Eldest ran with me a lot last year, which was really lovely although we had stages of racing each other and then having to stop as we were laughing too much. So, I’m hoping we will be able to do the same again over the summer holidays.
Clothes shopping has become a bit of a mission. It feels as though growth spurts are happening on a bi-weekly rotation. So, I feel as though I just sort one out and the next needs an entire new wardrobe…! But, what I will say is I do love that they all have their own style, and love to choose their own clothes. They’re quite conscious about trying to choose clothes which are sustainably made, or at least clothes which are made to last. Which makes me very happy!
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