Pregnancy & Parenting

Back to school Safety

Back to school, and there are so many things to think about! It’s such a busy time of year, especially if you have a child starting school for the first time or a new school!

School Bags

There is so much to remember when the children are going back to school. P.E. kits, books, pencil cases, snacks, water bottles and lunch boxes. I try to make sure my children take responsibility for their own bags. This I hope means they will continue to look after things once they get to school with them! We have a system where school bags live on a shelf by the front door and are packed the night before school to prevent panic on school mornings. Lunch bags get packed in the morning, I have started to plan packed lunches so I don’t waste time every morning trying to decide what to include.

Travel to school safely.

Walking to school is a great time to remind children about road safety. If you have a child who is a reluctant walker, you may consider getting them to scoot to school instead. If you’re going to get your child to scoot to school you’ll need to check scooter is in safe working order and that they have a safety helmet.

We live several miles from school, so we drive to school. It’s always important to double check car safety, especially seats. Check they are fitted correctly, and the car seat laws. You may find it is time to shop for a booster seat for your child. We found some good booster seats here.

I also double check our basic car safety. Checking the tyres, oil levels and windscreen wash. If you drive to school you want to ensure that the car is safe and it’s important not to ignore warning lights or strange engine noises.

I aim to get everyone out of the house 10 minutes before we need to leave. This gives me time to check seatbelts and also make sure everyone has the things they need. Hopefully meaning our back to school will be calm and well organised.