Toddlers..a Mummy Moan.
I need a tea break, and a moan. It’s OK, it’s nothing serious, yesterday I just had one of those days when I got to the school gates to drop Boo off, only to realise I have bits of Halloween confetti tangled in my hair, I got splashed by a passing lorry and so on.. The day progresses badly, with E deciding he won’t eat breakfast and come lunch time he is screaming with hunger, but the food isn’t cooking fast enough, so I abandon my plans for lunch and instead we partake in cheese sandwiches, a good recovery I think to myself.
Falling asleep in his high chair, I breathe a sigh of relief smiling as E snores loudly. I start to drink a cup of tea, only to be disturbed by an automated sales call which promises to “claim back my thousands” (I wish!) which wakes E up abruptly and he begins to shriek.. I decide enough is enough, and we’ll set off for the school run ridiculously early and pop into the post office along the way as there’s always a queue. Well, today as it is miserable, there is no queue, the one day I am hoping for one, there isn’t one and we’re in and out in minutes.
E is grumpy and using every opportunity to holler and screech, kicking his legs and rocking his pushchair – (Quinny Zap I loved you once, but now my 21month old son can rock you over if i let go of the handles for more than a tenth of a second..) – so there we are battling along, (and it is a battle, a battle of wills) and I’m determined I am not going to be standing in the centre of the village with my child upside down in his pushchair. As I battle, onward with a steely face, he looks up at me and smiles, he has a cheeky glint in his eye, (but this is nothing new) and he is placid as I wheel him back to the car and lift him out of the pushchair ready to pop back into his car seat.
I smile a huge smile, full of love and pride that he’s worked through his tantrum and is now the cheery cheeky little boy I love. The image shatters rapidly around the time I attempt to load him into the car, when he decides to play ‘I will not bend any limbs..’ So, there I am with a growing audience of disapproving OAP’s who are watching in horror as my child is now begining to holler “No, No! I want my Mummy!!” by this stage I am failing to restrain the angry voice and I virtually spit the words “I am your Mummy! Now get IN your car seat!” still he is as straight as a board and hollering. “Pleaaaaaase! Get in your seat Mummy needs you to!!” I’m begging, and any anger has passed, I’m verging on tears and wondering whether I can abandon the car in the space for a few hours while I walk to Boo’s school and get a bus home. Just as I have given up hope, E smiles and clambers into the seat himself..I secure him and jump into the car not wanting to hang about incase he starts hollering again!
We make it to collect Boo, and home again without to much stress, the boys argue viciously at 4pm with Boo declaring his brother is “Horrid!” and I find myself trying desperately hard not to laugh. Dinner time passes with only one bowl of food being partial strewn across the table and one episode of Mummy breakdown when I’d mistakenly thought E was being extra good, but actually he was in the process of trying to use the telephone..
I’m not going to lie..I was relieved when E began to yawn and bedtime rolled around, I finally managed to sit down and drink an entire cup of tea!
21 months and won't!
Headphone Heaven!
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Awww bad day honey. I’ve had a bit of one too. First I dropped Dex’s steralised bottles in the dirty washing up bowl so had to start all over, then I dropped washing powder all over the floor, then I broke my iPhone… literally hour by hour something was going wrong 🙁 Can’t wait to go to bed! Massive hugs x
Mrs Goriami
Oh no 🙁 hope you have a better day today! x