
The Green Woman – Eco-Friendly Beauty

Quite a while ago, The Green Woman got in touch to ask if I would review their natural beauty products. It seems that life took over, and the whirlwind of life has left my blog unloved since December. But, there we are. I have sat down to write this review, in the knowledge that I promised to write it within weeks – a promise I failed to keep. But also, with the knowledge that as a consumer I often wonder if weeks is enough to really test a product? So, having spent a longer time testing these products than planned, what are my thoughts?

The Green Woman – Natural Beauty

I paused before writing that heading, what does natural beauty mean? It’s one of those phrases which often gets used by bigger companies to make a product sound more natural than it really is. But, The Green Woman use organic, natural vegan ingredients – absolutely no parabens or other nasty chemicals. The Green Woman products really are – naturally good.

The Green Woman – Green Cream

In my going green journey, creams are a product I’ve really struggled to switch to an eco-friendly brand. So I was intrigued to try Dream and Body Butter. As someone who suffers with dry and relatively sensitive skin, I took a cautious approach to testing the creams. Starting with one, then the next. The body butter is revolutionary – no more “potato patch” elbows – the skin is instead soft and supple. A small amount goes a long way, gently warm a small amount in your hands and then massage it into skin. I think this is a keeper, there is nothing not to love. My skin looks and feels wonderful, and I know that the cream is natural, and packaged plastic free too.

Dream is for use on your face and neck at night time, it feels lovely on my skin, although I don’t use this every night. I’ve found it is marvellous on a Sunday night to help me relax before the stresses of Monday morning! The lavender fragrance is quite strong, but I really like it – and I’m sure I sleep better on those nights when I’ve used it!

Natural Deodorant – Fit Pit

Natural deodorant is something I’ve used for a while. Before I go any further I should explain, I do struggle with applying natural deodorant with my fingers – I don’t like the texture. If anyone has any tips for overcoming this, please let me know! So, while I love the smell of the product and the concept, this one isn’t for me.

Each Fit Pit jar is the equivalent of a 3 month supply of deodorant, so I think the cost is quite reasonable spread over that time. The ingredients include bicarbonate of soda, arrowroot powder and coconut oil to name a few. I love that I can look at the ingredients list and identify each ingredient – there aren’t many mainstream deodorants which I could do that with!

Plastic Free

The Green Woman only sells products in plastic-free packaging. The glass jars are surprisingly easy to store and carry about. The joy with the jars is once they are empty they can be returned to a stockist, or direct to The Green Woman to be reused. Or, they could be placed into recycling – or upcycled!