How To Ensure Your Flower Girl Enjoys Your Wedding Day
Collaborative Guest Post
A lot of you work when planning a wedding circles around finding ways to keep your adult guests entertained – from choosing the right dinner menu to the playlist that will keep them dancing all night long. However, it’s also important that you find ways to bring your littlest (or youngest) guests in on the fun too, especially those who are involved in the wedding party, such as flower girls.
Being a flower girl can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a little overwhelming. After all, they have a long day ahead of them, and will likely be surrounded by a lot of people they might not know. As a result, the more thought you pay to them during the planning process, the better.
Photo by Justin Clark on Unsplash
With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to ensure your flower girl(s) enjoy your wedding day!
Take them shopping.
Part of the fun of attending a fancy wedding is buying a wedding outfit, and while your main priority will (of course) be finding the dress for yourself, involving your flower girl (and the other bridesmaids) when dress shopping is a great way to help them feel involved. Furthermore, you can rely on kids to be honest -meaning they’ll give you great feedback about which dress you should be buying. You can also bring them along when shopping for Flower girl dresses, ensuring that you find an outfit that makes them feel like a princess!
While your flower girl may want to use this as an opportunity to wear ‘big girl’ shoes for the first time (heels), try to focus on comfort. After all, if they’re going to be on their feet for long periods of time, they need to have supportive, comfortable footwear on (to prevent pains, aches and most importantly, tantrums). Alternatively, you could buy two pairs of shoes.
Have some kid-friendly entertainment planned.
Keeping children entertained, particularly during your wedding breakfast can prove tricky. However, having some kid-friendly entertainment in place, such as a DJ with experience working with children, or a child’s entertainer, can take a lot of the work out of your hands. You may also want to have some toys and games set aside they can play with, as this will keep them quiet when necessary (such as during speeches). However, you’ll likely find that your flower girl is happy to play with other children who may have been invited too.
Plan for fussy eaters.
While you may have spent some time curating the perfect wedding menu, It’s important to note that younger guests (and even some adults) may not have a palette as sophisticated as your own. As a result, you should ensure there are few fussy-eater-friendly options included on the menu. Most venues or providers will have kids’ options already laid out. If not, speak with their parents ahead of time so that you have an idea in mind of what to request ahead of the big day.
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