Science Experiments for kids

    Collaborative Post Science Experiments for kids – the easiest way to entertain the children during the school break! Growing up I found scientific experiments were really interesting. I would spend hours at the science museum due to the hands-on approach…

  • Paid,  Pregnancy & Parenting

    Finding The Right Childcare.

    Collaborative Post Childcare is one of those things every parent struggles with from time to time. Whether it is trying to decide what type of childcare works best for your situation, or trying to decide how best to provide childcare…

  • Pregnancy & Parenting

    The terrible twos…

    I think the terrible twos have arrived. Frustration of wanting to communicate, but not quite being able to has started to see tantrums being thrown by my youngest child. It feels as though he has gone from baby to toddler…

  • Pregnancy & Parenting

    My 20 Month Old

    Looking back at photographs, there has been so much change in 12 months. I no longer have a baby, he is very much a toddler boy. It seems strange that a year ago he was still very much a baby.…

  • Pregnancy & Parenting

    Counting the days to Half Term..

    Homework. parent meetings, school trips. A variety of medical appointments. Plenty of out of school activities. A growing collection of bills. Oh,  all the germs seem to have wanted to visit us this term. This is why I’m counting down to Half…

  • Pregnancy & Parenting

    Weaning – slowly does it.

    I thought I’d share a little update on our weaning journey with Noddy. He’s 7 months now, and by this stage his older siblings were greedily eating all the food they could grab. N though, has always had a rather…

  • Pregnancy & Parenting

    New Mama.. it’s OK.

    Someone once said.. “When a baby is born, so is a mother”. I’m not sure who it was that said those words, but they were very wise.  I’ve been referred to as “an experienced Mum”. I suppose as a Mother of…