Science Experiments for kids

Collaborative Post

Science Experiments for kids – the easiest way to entertain the children during the school break!

Growing up I found scientific experiments were really interesting. I would spend hours at the science museum due to the hands-on approach they have to learning! Being able to try things out, I learnt quickly and without realising I was learning – as it was fun! Experiments at home were not quite as exciting as the science museum, but I learnt more through the trial and error approach to making an experiment work.

Science experiments for kids.

Being able to create simple experiments at home, is a wonderful and fun way to introduce children to science. But, more than the educational benefits, these experiments are great fun! Especially watching a paperclip defy gravity – that’s one experiment we have tried multiple times!

These 10 simple science experiments, with limited equipment needed, open up discussions about how things work. And allow the opportunity to introduce scientific apparatus – e.g. a microscope!

Which experiment will you try first?

Courtesy Of AGS Scientific