Olly the Little White Van App Review
Olly the Little White Van, voiced by Justin Fletcher has become a favourite of both of my boys! When we discovered there was an app for my iphone and it was FREE we hurried to download it and Boo couldn’t wait to try it out!
The app is fairly simple, and Boo quickly completed it, but still asks if he can play it again and again!
Fix It, is shape matching in the form of finding which bits go where on the cars to ‘repair’ them, Boo loved this and really giggled as he completed it!
There is also the chance to help Olly deliver his parcels as quick as you can in the Delivery Race, this is set out as a maze and you have to locate the parcels! This Boo found a little easy but I imagine soon E will be able to use this bit of the app with a little assistance!
The app is accompanied by the theme tune to Olly the Little White Van, which Boo will sing along happily with not matter where we are..so it’s not ideal for us to use for a few minutes peace and quiet! (Even if he does sing it very nicely!).
The Olly the Little White Van App is available to download FREE from iTunes!
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