New Year – New Focus #Fitness
I have waited to write this post, as I know so many people decide to make huge lifestyle changes in the new year and are stumbling by the end of January. I have lots of small changes I’d like to make to my life, I’d like to lose weight, get fit again, lose my mum tum, smile more, worry less.. you get the picture! I have done the yo-yo diets, I have tried the latest fads, and none of them have left me with the commitment I need to suceed. This year however, will be different.
My Birthday is in September, and I’m determined to be physically well on the way to where I want to be by then. I’m not making huge changes straight away, instead I am changing one little thing at a time. Since the start of January I’ve not added sugar to my tea or coffee, this has already started to pay off with a pound or two weight loss. I’ve also decided to change my snacks instead of cutting them out altogether, when I cut them out I then find I have a bad day and end up eating an entire packet of biscuits.. (yes I’m an emotional eater). I’ve stocked up on rice cakes, fruit, vegetables, and low fat dip. I’m still allowing myself a pudding at night at the moment, but my plan for next month is to swap my pudding for something healthier. I know people will be reading and thinking that I’m being a bit slow, but I’m still breastfeeding and getting up 2 or 3 times a night I do find makes me have the will power of a small child holding a packet of chocolate buttons.. (not very strong!).
Exercise, I forgot how much I enjoy exercising, but I don’t get a chance to take myself off to exercise on my own at the moment, so instead I’ve decided to work out at home. Since the start of the year I’ve made sure I do squats when the kettle is boiling, and made sure we do plenty of walking. Today I’ve added in a further work out, only 20 minutes, which I’m hoping I can do each day and it is just to build some core strength and give me the confidence to get out and exercising a little more! I’m typing with achy arms and legs, so it obviously did something, and I’m feeling seriously virtuous! I’ve set myself a goal to fit into my skinny jeans by next weekend – they almost fit, they’re just a bit tight round my tummy, so it’s a realistic goal if I stick to my small changes. I will update to let you know how I get along!
Are you trying to lose weight or get fit? Let me know! I’m linking up with Kate’s #muffintopmonday
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One Comment
Good luck, its hard work finding the motivation to lose weight but once you get into good habits it gets easier. I need to motivate myself now. 🙂