
Cotton Sheets by Huggies!

I remember laughing when I was handed a leaflet telling me that I needed to pack cotton wool and a tub to hold water in my hospital bag, were they so out of date that they’d not heard of wet wipes? It was only when I pointed this out to my midwife that she explained the benefits of cotton wool and water! Anyone who has had a newborn baby will know that handling them is often a struggle (particularly if it is your first!) without struggling to hold cotton wool and a tub of water! Huggies have come up with an ingenious product, which combines the ease of a wet wipe with the delicacy of cotton wool Huggies Cotton Sheets!


Well, both my boys are passed the newborn stage, but Elvis suffers from quite sensitive skin, so I was quite keen to see how we got on! The sheets come in a handy roll, they are easy to handle and you can pull one sheet from the roll even one handed! The sheets are embossed with little bears and paw prints – very cute! As soon as you touch a sheet you become aware how incredibly soft they are, the size of a wet wipe but er..dry! With a little water they effectively cleaned up after a dirty nappy incident, no fear of the sheet breaking and in fact I was impressed with how effectively it absorbed.

Today I found myself using them dry to clean Elvis’ face up after lunch, he was quite happy to let his face be wiped so it obviously felt very soft against his face! Shh, don’t tell anyone but I also used a sheet to take my make up off last night! Would I recommend them? Yes! Most definitely! I think we’ll be using them in conjunction with wet wipes, and if we decide to add another Goriami to the family at some point I’d definitely use the cotton sheets for the newborn days! 

Thanks to Huggies for sending us some Cotton Sheets to sample!