
5 Ways to Brighten January Blues

Apparently today is Blue Monday, that is the most depressing day of the year. The weather certainly isn’t helping, as it’s really dull, grey and raining! So, I’m sharing my favourite 5 ways to Brighten January!

1. Make a Date!

One of the reasons I struggle with blues in January is simple, December is socialising overload..January is the opposite! So, stop what you’re doing pick up the phone and plan a date with a friend. At this point, I know some of my friends will say.. “arrahh.. after Christmas we have no money, so can we meet up next month instead?” Forget visiting coffee shops or wine bars, embrace your home! Coffee in the kitchen, mug of tea on the sofa or even.. a chat while you’re walking together on the school run.. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to catch up with friends.


2. Snail Mail!

Last week, I received a letter in the post. It was, genuinely, the best thing EVER. Who sends handwritten letters these days? Literally very few people, and the reality is nothing shouts “I’m thinking of you!” as much as a handwritten letter! So, sit down on your lunch break and write a note to that friend you don’t see often enough – or even the one you do.


Brighten someone's day


3. Clear your clutter..

Christmas is the massive peak of clutter in our household! Now, as a Mother of 3, I’m quite used to there being mess. BUT, there’s a fine line between mess and..total chaos. So, while you may not feel like clearing clutter will make you feel any happier.. In the long run it will. I have a “process..” I look at toys first, as if they’re outgrown or unloved they can easily be taken to charity shops, though I usually store them in the boot of the car for a week first – to make sure I haven’t accidentally cleared a favourite. I then look at shoes and clothes, general “stuff” and finally.. the one I hate most.. paperwork. I really struggle with paperwork, I keep far too much. Any tips on that welcome!

4. Plant it!

Grow your own! Even if you’re not very green fingered, have a go at growing some seeds on your windowsill. There’s something therapeutic about growing something from seed. I’ve currently got some mint which I grew last year growing rather well on the kitchen windowsill, and I’m toying with having a go at planting pumpkin seeds..


5. Plan a Holiday!

Note, I say PLAN not Book! I love planning holidays, so I use January as the month to dream! I look at lots of different destinations, and look at what each could offer us as a family holiday! I love working out whether we should fly or drive,and what we could see while we’re away. Then, finally at the end of January knowing that February we can book our perfect holiday!