• Lifestyle

    7 Tips For New Remote Workers

    Collaborative Guest Post You have convinced your boss to let you work remotely, or you have a new remote job, so what is the next step? How are you going to maintain your productivity, creativity, and drive while still meeting…

  • Lifestyle

    5 Ways to Beat The Monday Blues.

    So you’ve had a great weekend, and then Monday comes along. Back to the school run, back to work. Monday brings the stresses of a new week, and all the stuff left over from last week too! So I’m sharing…

  • Lifestyle

    Happiness journal and self-care.

    Collaborative Post I’ve decided to start using a Happiness Planner. I wanted to be a little more focused in my day to day life, and I had heard good things about these planners! Plus, it came in my favourite colour,…

  • Reviews,  Uncategorized

    Creating the perfect room.

    Every year with the seasons changing from Summer to Autumn, my thoughts turn to my home decor. Perhaps it is a natural time to think about home styling as I know I will be spending more hours indoors? This year…

  • Uncategorized

    Small changes towards Green Living

    At the start of 2016 I decided that our family needed to make greener choices. There were some aspects which we were very environmentally friendly with, but others were a real struggle. We have come a long way on our…