Summer holiday fun – oudoor play ideas!
Summer holidays are coming, and we’re already thinking how we can have a fun filled summer. Here’s a few ways we’ll be spending the summer having fun, without spending a fortune!
Keeping things simple, encouraging the children to play with their toys in a different way, maybe they’ll take their toy cars out into the garden for a rally race? Collect up empty toilet rolls, and let them build a series of tunnels to race their cars through, or maybe let them take their action figures or dolls in the sand to play?
If it’s warm, my children love helping wash the outdoor toys, we set them up with a washing bowl of bubbly water (I use their bubble bath to make the bubbles) a bowl of clean, and a couple of old dishwasher brushes and cloths. It gets the toys a bit cleaner, and they have fun doing it! Do make sure you supervise them careful.
Having a go at simple science experiment, a firm favourite with all ages is a homemade volcano! Even really simple projects can be fun, we used the air pump to in the paddling pool to create bubbles and talk about how us pumping the air pump with our foot helped make the bubbles.
Going on a Bear hunt.. OK, maybe not an actual bear hunt, but going exploring! Even just in our local town, it’s quite amazing what you can see when you stop and look around. I’ve wondered about making this a more planned activity, but the boys seem to like seeing what they can spot themselves, I’ve seen gargoyles on cathedrals, brightly coloured bugs, and beautiful bright flowers which I would have missed without the boys pointing them out!
If you need rainy day ideas, head over to Kids Chaos, as they have amazing ideas for baking and making! So, that’s a few ways we’ll be spending the summer outdoors without spending a fortune!
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