Stain removal with Persil – Persil Stain Art Review
We were contacted recently to take part in the Persil Stain Art challenge, let 2 small boys loose with a small amount of juice, ink, paint and chocolate and create a work of art on one of Daddy’s shirts.. mwahaha (OK I added the Daddy’s shirt bit!). You see, Persil Small and Mighty have created a clever dosing ball which enables you to treat a stain before you wash the garment easily and just using their Bio liquid – time and cost saving! Here’s what happened;
Yes ok, I admit the boys and I got a little over excited at the idea of staining one of Mr G’s shirts and we went crazy with it, but this is all for research purposes right?! We then left it to dry, and explained to Mr G that we’d had a bit of a disaster and “accidentally” painted all over one of his t-shirts, but it was OK Persil would sort it out. Handing Mr G the bottle, we left him to sort out the mess..
Then he threw the shirt into a normal wash with a dose of Persil washing liquid and we waited..when we reached the shirt out of the machine, unfortunately not all the ink had been removed;
However, I do have to say that everything other stain had totally disappeared! And I do think the children were quite heavy handed with the ink and a brush – much more so than they would be with the usual pen marks which get on shirts at work or school. We have also tried the product on a pair of jeans Mr G had worn to change his brake pads, they had got covered in brake dust and he thought they would not be wearable again, but with pre-treating (and no extra in wash liquid) they came out like new.. we were both very impressed!
I do find the scent very strong, so I wouldn’t use this in every wash, BUT for saving school uniform and Mr G’s clothes this is now on my shopping list, as the bubbly surface of the dosing ball makes it so easy and quick to treat stains!
Disclaimer; We were sent the Persil Liquid and a stain kit, for the purposes of an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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