Paddle boarding?
Stand up Paddle boarding is becoming such a popular way to take to the water. I have read so much about it, but worried that perhaps I wasn’t fit enough to give it a go. Finally, I worked up the courage to try it. (Admittedly, mostly thanks to a friend who said “ahh let’s just do it!”) We found a local Paddle Boarding venue, and booked a slot.
I found myself debating the purchase of a wetsuit. Finally deciding that the water would not be so cold if (and when) I fell In. So I ventured out in shorts, a t shirt and some wetsuit shoes. (The paddle boarding venue provided the board and a buoyancy aid for the lesson).
We had a quick briefing on shore and then went straight on to the water. Within 10 minutes we were standing. Within 20minutes we had each fallen in once! I somehow fell off the board head first into the water. I remember thinking “oh bother..” as my head plunged into the murky water. Having sailed dinghies for years, the idea of clambering back on to the board was familiar. What I hadn’t allowed for was the boards are relatively light. It took a couple of attempts before I worked out the tipping point of the board. Clambering back on in an undignified manner, I allowed myself a few minutes to collect myself before attempting to stand again.
My big struggle was turning the board. As ludicrous as that sounds, I really struggled!! I needed to allow several minutes of thinking time before I needed to turn. It was rather like how I imagine the Captain of a large container ship must feel.. Though, it was just me and a lightweight board.
The next day I woke up with several random bruises. Most I assume from my head first plunge off the board. I also found my shoulders ached a little and my thighs were sore! Clearly many muscles were engaged to balance me that hadn’t been used in quite some time!
I really enjoyed paddle boarding. I found it weirdly relaxing but fun at the same time. I’ll definitely be doing it again. In fact, I’m actually toying with the idea of buying a board, though I need to do a little more research first. this space!
A reason to declutter..
Travel and adventure.
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