Organix is Celebrating!
In June 2012 Organix celebrated their 20th Anniversary! Organix produce a range of goodies aimed at babies and toddlers and containing ‘no nasties’.
To celebrate their anniversary Organix sent the boys a hamper of goodies:
The snacks worked as a very welcome healthier alternative to the crisps Boo wanted at his Birthday picnic:
The snacks contain far less salt than the grown up version, but retain all the texture and subtle flavour. I must confess I’m quite keen on the mini cheese crackers myself..
The most popular part of the hamper was without any doubt the Mini Gingerbread men!
If you’re worried that gingerbread might not be your little ones thing, don’t be as the are subtly flavoured and not too sweet. Boo wants me to add ‘they’re spicy, yummy and I like to eat them’ (the spiciness is very subtle!).
Cute aren’t they? Both boys love them and I am known to nibble one when I think the boys aren’t looking!
The hamper also contained a couple of the fabulous oat bars, we are particularly keen on the “Oat and Veg” bars as E is a rather fussy eater and I worry sometimes that he doesn’t eat enough vegetables, so any way I can sneak extra into his diet please me! Here’s to another 20 years of pleasing little tummies and their Mummy’s!
Disclaimer: I was sent a hamper of Organix for the purposes of the review, but all opinions are my own.
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