Pregnancy & Parenting

No more skipping breakfast.. #Morningstories

Mornings in our house are a little chaotic, especially as my three year old has decided that he doesn’t want to get changed from his pyjamas, and certainly won’t put on any hour can easily be lost with this battle – an hour I don’t have in the morning! The first tip I’ll give to any Mum, pick your battles! I want the 3 year old to get dressed, but if I need to I will let him be carried to the car (with shoes hidden in my bag!) or wear his wellington boots, this negotiation usually works well! I try to have the school uniform ready for Boo the night before, this saves the usual headache of “Where are my….” (insert any random item of uniform). I have the slummy Mummy look down to a fine art since being pregnant, my staple school run outfit involves jeans, a vest, cardigan and trainers with hair pulled back! I’m so predictable!

Trying to wear PJ’s on the school run!

I confess, Mr G never has breakfast if he’s going to work, if he’s lucky he’ll grab a quick cup of tea with 2 sugars. I rarely had breakfast, but since being pregnant I find I need to eat something, but it has to be something handy – toast in the car is messy, especially if you drop it jam side down..(I may have done this before..) So, belVita bars, have effectively restored calm to our mornings, with breakfast being returned to our adult menu and the urge for a biscuit break at 11am being brushed to the side! Mr G sloped off to work this morning grabbing a packet of “biscuits” and texted to tell me he was enjoying dunking them in his tea. I made a huge error and allowed him a packet of the cocoa Yogurt crunch, these are amazing sweet but not too sweet, a breakfast which left me feeling satisfied and full of energy but thinking “they’re yummy i’m tempted to eat another!” (which I think is the best result a biscuit could hope for with me!). 

Too yummy to share!

I also loved the milk & cereal version, and they tasted great with a glass of fresh orange juice, mug of coffee or a naughty iced cooler drink, ideal for breakfast on the go! 

Catching up on breakfast in a car park!

The fibre rich Fruit and Fibre belVita reminded me somewhat of fig-rolls, the boys and Mr G thought these were great but they didn’t appeal to me in the mornings at the moment – pregnancy seems to have altered my taste buds! belVita have made it into our weekly shopping list, they’re so easy to eat and adding a bottle of orange juice or maybe a glass of milk and some fresh fruit alongside a packet makes breakfast so easy -even for busy families like ours!

This post is an entry for #MorningStories Linky Challenge sponsored by belVita Breakfast. Learn more at