
Help! I’m Lost! (Lost in parenting!).

Help, I’m lost in parenting. Every morning, there is the same routine, I get up and make breakfast, make packed lunches, battle to get the children dressed, then realise I am still in my pyjamas.. I throw on jeans and whatever jumper is nearby and dash out of the house with my hair pulled back into some kind of top knot. Yes, I know I sound gorgeous right? 

I tried to choose a new book to read last week, but struggled as I found myself censoring all sorts of books as “unsuitable” for young readers..(since when was I a young reader?!). Things have got pretty bad, I’m so lost in parenting that I’d rather sit myself down with a copy of Alice in wonderland than a John Grisham.

I love my children, I love being a parent, but I’m not entirely sure who I am aside of Mum. I get glimpses of myself, when I am looking at dresses or hanging out in the library (at preschool song time..) I recognise my love of books, fashion, dancing, music and anything to do with messing about on (or in!) the water. So perhaps, I am not so lost as I fear, perhaps I have the map I just need to navigate a little better?

It’s so easy for me to write I will make time for myself.. yet in reality, it is not so simple, as I struggle to be organised enough. Yet surely, I am worth those extra 5 minutes in the morning? Surely I can find 10 minutes every evening too? 15 whole ME minutes? What could I do in 15minutes ME time? I could leave the house looking presentable, I could practice French, I could listen to music, I could read Vogue.. It sounds pretty appealing doesn’t it? Everytime I plan to make me time, I achieve it, but within weeks it has stopped again, and I think it is due to my lack of organisation! Perhaps being “lost” is due to the same disorganisation?!

To be continued..


  • Kate Holmes

    Common issue sadly and why I set up a linky encouraging mums to look after themselves a bit better because after all that is what enables us to look after our loved ones better and most important of all, we are so very worth it. You always look gorgeous to me

  • Vi

    Aww thank you Kate 🙂 I’m really pleased myself as I “made” a whole half hour for myself tonight! Funny how we can do anything if we put our mind to it 😉 x

  • Laura's Lovely Blog

    I know this feeling, life as a mother just takes over doesn’t it? How about not just 15 minutes how about a whole evening and that evening you go out be it a book club, a fitness class just something for you and if you have to go out it is harder to push aside when things get busy?

  • Vi

    I used to go to the gym three nights a week before we had Yo,so you might be right – maybe one night out might be what I need?