
Halilit Toddler Music Orchestra – Review

Halilit Toddler Music Orchestra

I was delighted to get to review the Halilit Toddler Music Orchestra. It is suitable for children 12 months plus. Arrives in a neat box, and contains all you need to encourage your child to get performing!

The xylophone proved very popular, the beater is lightweight (so even when accidentally hit on a head while your child is enthusiastically performing it is ok!). It makes a lovely sound, and the beater can be stored safely under the instrument. It is also easily carried around by a child, so marching and playing the xylophone can, and did occur – as did playing laying down!

The xylophone also comes with music so a slightly older child (or a parent!) could play a tune following the colour code. However a younger toddler like mine will still love playing the xylophone and producing twinkling sounds.

The ocean drum is lovely to look at and ideal as a first introduction to the instruments. It can make a variety of sounds – shake it, tap it or use the xylophone beater to hit it to make a noise.

Then there’s the hand held percussion instruments! There’s a rattle roller which makes a great clacking sound. The Bells are lightweight but wonderful to join in with most songs – and perfect for a festive song like – Jingle Bells! The Shaker maracas like the bells and rattle roller are easy to grip, and make a good noise!

Starting to play music with a toddler.

Pick a song you enjoy, it makes it so much easier to encourage them to join in if you are confident! I love Row-Row-Row your boat, mostly as the actions are great fun! As it’s coming up to Christmas we have been playing along to some festive favourites! Older siblings have joined in too – playing their instruments! Yes, we have been having band practice!

No band? Use your phone to play some music to perform with! Don’t worry if music making feels more like noise making – the more you play the more musical the play becomes! N has started to sing along when we start to perform – it’s very sweet!

Why encourage your toddler to play music?

Music is good for so many reasons! It evokes a range of emotions from listener and performer too. Stimulates memories. Music also can help with development of speech via singing nursery rhymes, and motor skills – playing instruments. The effect of playing music from an early age is great, and there’s lots to read on music and childhood development if you’re interested. Most importantly, enjoying music with your child is a great way to bond!