Green People Sticky Hand Sanitiser!
Boo has recently decided he doesn’t like hand driers so when we are out and about he will often refuse to wash his hands. I have resorted to carrying hand sanitisers with me everywhere, but have found that they mostly dry his little hands out and with winter coming I have visions of his hands getting very sore.
So I was fairly excited when Green People sent us a bottle of Sticky Hand Sanitiser to review, with a natural anti-bacterial agent – extract of tea tree oil! If you don’t know of Green People it is a company specialising in organic skincare, created by a mother in 1997 to help her daughter who suffered from eczema and allergies, and now an award winning Certified Organic skincare brand!
The bottle is a little larger than most hand sanitisers we’ve used before, the pump is easy to use and dispenses sensible amounts, meaning Boo could use it by himself. It dispenses as a foam which Boo thought was great fun, and it was easily absorbed into his skin! We loved the smell, Boo described it as ‘like sherbert’ (and I have to agree it reminds me of lemon sherbet crystals!).
It was sensitive enough to use on Boo’s face when he was covered in chocolate ice-cream, and easily cleaned the sticky lolly remains from his face and hands! It also works well to clean surfaces, and I used it on a cloth to clean a rather dirty highchair tray while we were out on an adventure yesterday!
I’m pleased to say that we’ll be sticking with this hand sanitiser as it doesn’t dry Boo’s skin out, at £9.45 for 100ml I think it is a reasonable price especially as you can use it for cleaning toys and surfaces as well as sticky hands and faces!
Grandad Goriami.
Turning back time..
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