Food,  Reviews

Ethically sourced chocolate from Fatso

Fatso is ethically sourced single origin chocolate. With unique flavour combinations, and a bar which is, well, fat! The bars are seriously chunky – bite with care!

Fatso chocolate not only looks good, but is also packed with the environment in mind.

Packaged in compostable wraps and recyclable cardboard boxes. The packaging is funky, each bar having quite a unique design complementing the names of each bar

I have to confess that the names of the bars appeal to me almost as much as the flavours!

Morn’n Glory, which is filled with breakfast favourites including Marmalade and conrflakes, was surprisingly good – quite possibly my favourite flavour!

Home run, sounded most inviting with a pretzel, almond and honeycomb, but I found this to be a little underwhelming.

Nan’s Stash is based on the idea of the snacks your Nan might have kept in. Digestive biscuits, toffee, packed into thick single origin chocolate.

With an RRP of £5.95 a 150g bar, this may not be your go to for every day bars of chocolate, but the richness of the chocolate means a little does go a long way. I think the bars unusual flavours, and unique packaging make them a wonderful treat or a great gift – if you can bear to give them away!