Vegan Peppermint Creams – Homemade
One of my fondest Christmas memories from childhood, is making Peppermint creams. I’d stand on a chair in the kitchen helping my Dad to whisk the egg white and sieve in the icing sugar. They seemed like magical treats, and I would always wait impatiently for them to set. As an adult, who still loves peppermint creams, I’ve wondered if there was an alternative to using egg white.
Vegan Peppermint Creams Recipe
Searching the internet, I found lots of peppermint cream recipes, but not many were similar to the original recipe I recall. Then, I stumbled across A Cupful Of Kale, who has produced a wonderful recipe for Vegan Peppermint Creams, luxuriously dipped in chocolate. It’s a really easy recipe to follow with some very helpful tips. However, there’s only two of us who love them, and I don’t need any encouraging to eat them all! So, I made a slightly smaller quantity, but also I think a little bit stronger in mint flavour! I personally don’t dip them in chocolate, mostly as we wanted to cut shapes.
My variation on the recipe is – 1 table spoon aquafaba, 200g icing sugar, 1 tsp lemon, 1 tsp peppermint essence. Extra icing sugar for dusting. But I then followed the exact method on A Cupful Kale, so do check that out.
Cooking with Kids
It was a lovely activity to keep my 2 year old busy. I got him to help roll the mixture out. The easiest way is to place it between two sheets of baking paper, then use a rolling pin.

We then used a star shaped cutter to cut out small star shapes.

Applied a generous dusting of icing sugar.

Then popped them into the fridge over night. They set firm and are easy to hold. We chose a small cutter so they’re ideal to enjoy after dinner, or a couple as a treat while you watch a film.

I’d love to make a snowflake version, but we haven’t got round to that yet.
We are really enjoying making festive treats this year, I wonder what we might make next?
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