
ENJOY more water.. the challenge! #EnjoyMoreWater

When we’re poorly, the first thing we do is reach out for an extra drink, something about drinking lots of fluids helps us to feel a bit better. The question is, how do we encourage the entire family to drink more water all year around? Robinsons challenged us to have fun staying refreshed, with their handy little bottles of squashd!

Robinsons Squashd


These handy little bottles are perfect to take everywhere, pop one in your glove compartment, one in your handbag and liven up your bottle of water while you’re on the go! We carry sports bottles of filled with water, and after a running around at the park the boys are always desperate for a cold drink. Usually they just drink water, but like most children they like a bit of flavour too, and Squashd lets us decide on the go whether they have plain water or something fruity. Squashd have no added sugar, and are really concentrate, so that tiny little bottle makes 20 drinks!


E (age 5) is not great at drinking water, unless it is ice cold he will grumble and I’m often worried he doesn’t drink enough – especially on a warm day while we’re out and about. He liked being able to “make his own” drink, which started out as water and ended up fruity! He did also learn the hard way that the bottles are high concentrate..he didn’t believe how strong they would be and while I wasn’t looking emptied an entire bottle of Lemon and Lime Squashd into his drinks bottle..apparently it was a bit like sucking a fresh  lemon!

B (age 7) has had fun making squashd ice cubes to add to water, he said they’ve only got a slight hint of flavour, but are great fun when he gets in from school! He also took charge of the sticker chart to log how much water he drank, and whether Squashd could help him drink more!

B’s top tips to ensuring you stay hydrated;

  1. Grab a re-usable bottle for drinks on the go, choose a wide necked bottle and add ice cubes if you’re going to be on a long day out.
  2. Keep some water in the fridge, we have a fun jug with a lid which we fill up every day.
  3. Make ice cubes, add a bit of squashd to the water before you pour it into the tray for extra special ice cubes!
  4. Make having a drink of water part of your routine, we have one when we get up, a bottle for school, one when we get in, one at dinner, and one before bed, that’s probably 6 or 7 glasses!
  5. FUN glasses! The don’t have to cost lots, but brightly coloured ones are good!

What we’ve learnt about drinking more water..

Squashd is easy to take anywhere, on days out I can carry it in my handbag and actually save us quite a lot of money instead of buying cartons of juice or fizzy pop! The children really do like having a drinks bottle to hand, something I always carried for them when they were toddlers, but since they started school I admit I had been less than reliable at remembering them! We have started to always have a drinks bottle with us again, and I’ve let the boys choose their own new ones, so they’re extra special.

Squashd by Robinsons

This post is an entry for BritMums #EnjoyMoreWater Challenge, sponsored by Robinsons.