Collapsable water bottle by ohyo! Review and Competition!
Anyone who has stayed in hospital will know that you’re provided with a jug of water and in my experience a rather grotty glass, or as I remember from after surgery a plastic cup with a straw in it (which I managed to do a good job of spilling down my hospital gown..). When I was in labour with both the boys, I was really thirsty (partly I suspect due to all the gas and air!) and I remember having a straw held to my lips so I could have a sip of water as to be quite honest anyone who had attempted to hand me the cup to hold would inevitably have ended up wearing it.. It was so awkward, and I wished I’d remembered to take a sports water bottle with me, but seriously where it would have lived in my hospital bag I do not know..I seem to have so many things in there already!
I was researching for my hospital bag for this pregnancy, and I stumbled across ohyo. I say stumbled across, this isn’t quite true as I was looking for them having seen them on Dragon’s Den a few years ago..the Dragons weren’t impressed, but I remember thinking that the squashable bottle would be ideal for me!
ohyo makes bottles which can be squashed down so they fit into your handbag or pocket easily, when you want to use the bottle, you simply lift the spout pull the bottle up, and fill it. They’re easy to hold (just lift the spout to upright and squash down!) and the spout is easy to drink from too (just make sure you put the spout fully up or it may dribble). They’ve been quite a hit with my boys, and have even helped encourage my youngest to start drinking water rather than juice constantly as he likes the shape of the bottle! ohyo have currently got limited edition Transformers bottles available, they come coloured as either Bumblebee (black and yellow) or Optimus Prime (blue and red),
These limited edition transformer bottles, come with special transformers stickers which mean you can personalise your bottle. The negative is that the stickers aren’t dishwasher proof, but the benefit is you’re not left with a bottle which won’t be used as no one likes the character on it anymore!
ohyo’s are available on the high street from M&S and Boots stores and are priced at £5.49 each or you can purchase them directly from ohyo! Now you may argue you could grab a plastic cup for free, BUT a plastic cup ultimately ends up in landfill and with an ohyo you get repeated use and it’s easy to carry water in without spilling it everywhere! (Yes I tried doing the lid up, closing the spout and shaking the bottle..and I was impressed!) Currently the ohyo’s on sale hold 500ml of water, and they’re looking to start making 1000ml bottles to, you could help them achieve this read more on that here.
Do you fancy winning a couple of ohyo’s for yourself? – They’re perfect to pack into your maternity hospital bag (mine are already packed – yes I’ve packed one for Mr G to!). Â If you fancy winning one, please follow the simple steps on the rafflecopter widget below – good luck!
37 weeks pregnant..
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This would be so useful for the gym. Carrying my bottle around after I’ve been takes up so much space in my bag.
Tracy Nixon
Out and about with the kids and dog ! Great invention!
Sarahann Tonner
The gym!
tommy w
my daughter would love this
Caroline H
This would be great for busy work days where I have to be in a few different places. I could pop it in my bag collapsed in the morning and fill up from water coolers/taps during the day.
kim neville
I would use them when out and about with the kids
Paul Wilson
I’d keep one in my bag for emergency use.
Isabel O'Brien
At the gym, it would be very handy.
Lorraine Tinsley
I’d pop this in my changing bag, so helpful as I’m always thirsty as I’m nursing my daughter
Ashleigh Allan
I would take it on my holidays with me!
Amy Williams
Definitely on day trips out 🙂
Keshia Esgate
Picnics and day trips
Sally Voong
When I go hiking as I often take 2-3 bottles with me. This would save so much space!
Natalie Crossan
I’d keep it in my bag just in case xx
Rich Tyler
Walking, Camping, The Beach, Festivals, Picnics, Day Trips – the list is endless! 🙂
Elizabeth Duncan
Everywhere! It would be so handy.
Rosalind Blight
I carry a water bottle with me everywhere
elaine dale
on days out with the grandchildren
Renee Armstrong
Walking the dog in this hot weather x
the car
Jayne T
When I’m out walking in the country.
Tammy Tudor
everywhere I go 🙂
Zoe G
Would be great for days out with the kids and our bike rides
Jessica Powell
Out walking
Lisa Auger
On days out to the park, the beach, anywhere really!
Amanda Milton
For work and when I go out on day trips
Martine Henderson
On our famiy caravan holiday, it’d save space when packing 🙂
joy b
These look fab, could really do with something like this for travelling with the family!
Kiran Parry
When I go for a walk or to play sport.
Felicity Kelly
I would take them camping to save space!
Victoria N
On long family walks
Helen Grayson
On picnics and taking the dog for a walk round the pond in the local park 🙂
in general day to day life!
Amy J
I’d use it when going on picnics
Amy Ripley
The gym!
The gym
Paul Witney
Would be great for the kids to take to school
the gym
Barbara Handley
Days out.
Kay panayi
Out walking with the kids or down the park
Helen Rickards
Definitely out and about with the kids and to take on holiday buy big bottles and decant and no room taken up in bags!!!
Christine Caple
Days out and holidays
Helen belton
Out on walks 🙂
Mark Palmer
At the gym
The children would love them, would be especially good for picnics and outings.
Gillian Holmes
Probably keep one in my handbag
Alice Megan
At university, we have a water dispenser but there’s never any cups left so this would be great
Joanna Sawka
at gym
Karen R
My kids would take them to school 🙂
Thomas L
Brilliant idea. I carry a bottle of water literally everywhere I go. Mines never empty though. Be nice to collapse the size down to match how much drink is left in it.
Helen Lloyd
At the gym and at work
Lisa Wilkinson
On holiday next year 🙂
leanne williams
I would use them when out and about with the kids
Richard Randall
Ideal for the car.
amanda e
When out on day trips
Hayley Wynn
I’d take it to the gym and when i go out running
Kelly Hooper
On car journeys
Adam Dickinson
Definitely in the gym!
Gillian Hutchison
Would be ideal for days out and picnics
Kathryn S
I’d use mine on the tube in the morning
I love the fact they’re collapsible. There’s always so much to carry in your hospital bag or changing bag being able to fold it up will come in handy.
Newcastle family life
I would use it for when I am in labour later this month
Hannah Smith
Out on the bikes..
Jenny Barker
to take on holiday when space is tight in the car :0)
for the kids when camping !
Kristy Brown
These would be fantastic for our runs and hikes
Jane Middleton
Holiday lol 🙂
Sarah Lewis
I’d keep it in my handbag for emergencies.
Denise S
im a gardener and in this weather i need to ensure i have a supply of h2O
Katy spence
At the gym
Danika Lloyd