Does my bump look big in this?
Big bumps, little bumps, as soon as you’re pregnant you seem to see baby bumps everywhere!
I’ve talked baby bumps before, or more specifically the curse of bump envy. This time round, I feel enormous. I have also started to be aware that maybe the baby will be huge. This is something which worries me. I think in part the worry is in part as we’re not having growth scans this pregnancy.

The midwife measured my bump, and said gleefully that I’m measuring big. Further adding to my concerns that perhaps baby is actually going to be “Gigantor!”. According to the growth chart I am off the scale. But this contradicts the consultant who measured me, who said I was a bit small, and that was only two weeks earlier. So, I’m waiting until the next appointments, to see how far off the chart I am this time..!
My husband has tried to reassure me that maybe the baby was laying at a funny angle. He has also pointed out that everyone probably measures differently. I suppose he might be right. But I can’t help feel a hint of worry that perhaps I am carrying a very large baby! I don’t feel like I can admit my concerns to the midwife. I feel a bit silly. But it is a genuine worry. I’ve spent the last few weeks joking about it, trying to be cheery, and secretly worrying that maybe I AM enormous?
I have wondered if I am eating too much? I’ve tried to make sure I don’t binge on cake and ice-cream. Actually, I’ve been craving frozen fruit, and that can’t have so many calories in it surely?! I’ve kept moving as much as I can. I’m avoiding weighing myself, and trying to just stick to looking after myself – and avoiding having that extra biscuit at tea time!
Did you worry that your bump was too big or too small? Was it an accurate reflection of how big or small baby was when it arrived?
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