Pregnancy & Parenting

Breastfeeding and returning to work. #Win A Nursing Bra E: 12/08

Breastfeeding doesn’t have to stop when you go back to work, but it is important to think about how you want to continue breastfeeding when you return to work, as early as possible. One of the easiest ways to keep breastfeeding once you’ve returned to work is to express, so I thought I’d share some of my tips which might help!

  1. Choose a breastpump which works for you, there are lots out there!! If one doesn’t work, don’t give up! I prefer an electric pump, but many friends I know prefer a manual pump.
  2. Start to build up a supply before you return to work if you can, remember – breastmilk can be frozen! Having a supply in stock takes the pressure off.
  3. This sounds silly, but get used to expressing away from home, maybe start by expressing at a friends house, I found it initially quite stressful trying to express away from home! Maybe use a KIT (keeping in touch) day for a trial run if you can, this way you can get an idea of what being back at work and expressing milk would be like.
  4. Find out where you can express when you are at work, and what your company policy on breastfeeding mothers is, there are certain basic legal requirements (see: Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992)
  5. Plan work outfits to be breastfeeding friendly, and if you’re wearing a uniform at work consider whether a breastfeeding vest might work for you better than a nursing bra. My favourite breastfeeding vest, is one from Emma-Jane, I have it in white and have worn it so much as I love the fact it doesn’t expose my belly!
  6. Keep a bag with all your expressing kit in and remeber to include breast pads, a spare bra and top, just incase!
  7. Take each day as it comes, see what works for you and what doesn’t.


Emma-Jane have offered me a New Generation Nursing Bra to giveaway to one lucky reader! To enter the giveaway, let me know in a comment below what your breastfeeding essential is (mine is undoubtedly my breastfeeding pillow!). PLEASE ensure in your comment you either leave an email or twitter ID so you can be contacted if you win!




Terms and Conditions:

One entrant per household.

Uk Entrants only.

Over 16’s only.

Competition run on behalf of Emma-Jane who are responsible for prize fulfilment.

Closes 12/08/15

Winner will be selected at random for all entrants who answer the question.









  • Adventures of a Novice Mum

    Good tips to keep in mind about expressing at work. I ended being able to go home to feed, but i’ll note your points in case I have to express next time round. The one about a trial run especially stands out for me.

    My breastfeeding essential at this point are my breastfeeding outfits (so hard to choose just one) :-). Nursings bras are of course a must and breastfeeding vests are so handy, aren’t they.

    I’m @aNoviceMum (I’m also part of the carnival) 🙂

  • Azmi Quraishe

    My breastfeeding essential is a glass of water and a snack. I always get extremely thirsty and hungry at the same time as my baby.

  • Vi

    Congratulations, you were selected by as the winner! I will send you an email now!