Bibetta Lunch Bag – Review
If you’re trying to pack a school lunch, using a refillable water bottle and tupper ware, you’ll understand that packing it all into a standard size lunch box is almost impossible. When we were sent a Bibetta Lunch Bag I could see that my problems of fitting everything into the lunch box were going to be resolved! The neoprene fabric (the same stuff wetsuits are made from!) is strong, but flexible! The shape is ideal for accomodating a large drinks bottle, and several reusable containers – perfect if you have a fussy eater to pack lunch for!
I have to admit, I have started to create packed lunches the night before since having the Bibetta lunch bag, as it fits into my fridge easily and as all the little tubs fit in the bag well, the whole lunch making process just feels easier!
The Bibetta lunch bag has another bonus, when it comes back from school covered in various food stuffs and is too mucky to simply wipe, it washes really easily! The fabric dries really quickly, so it is easy to clean and dry over night – it really is a practical bag! It’s also easy to store when it’s not being used over the weekend or school holidays as it squashes up small.
Our green lunch bag has an owl design on the front, and I think the design is ideal for children of any age. Actually both the designs and size of the lunch bag mean it could be used for an adults lunch to take to work too..
What did my son think of the Bibetta lunch bag? He has been delighted that he can have his favourite drinks bottle in his lunch box, and there is plenty of room for a varied lunch. He finds it easy to carry, and likes the fact it is a little different to some of the character boxes which his friends have. So, it’s a thumbs up all round!
The Bibetta Lunch bags are available in a variety of colours and designs, and are currently available on!
Disclaimer: I was gifted a Bibetta lunch bag over in return for an honest review, we have been using the bag for 4 weeks. All thoughts and images are my own.