Adventures in losing the baby weight.
I’m grabbing the bull by the horns, Baby G is 7 weeks old, and I’m fed up with having to wear my tracksuit everywhere. I have no intention of starving myself, firstly I love food far too much and secondly Baby G is being breast fed. In honesty my main incentives are nothing to do with vanity, they are the realisation that I am no longer very fit – ( I get out of breath running to the kitchen..) and family health issues which make me think I really do need to sort this out! While I don’t look fat as I’m almost 6ft tall (no really, I am) I am more than aware that my BMI is creeping towards the big ’30’ and I’d rather deal with this right now!
Enough justifying my actions, and now to lay down my plans in writing so I can’t change my mind and deny any knowledge of plans to get fit!
Until I met Mr G, I was physically quite fit, I have never had any speed but always had endurance, now have neither (unless we count chasing a 2year old around the supermarket while shouting ‘No! Mummy does not need 12 bottles of bubble bath…’) So, I am going to exercise 3times a week and set myself goals – the first one being to actually do it. Like many of my friends who are Mummy’s, I have often made excuses as to why I can’t exercise ‘I haven’t got the time’ ‘No babysitter’ ‘The house needs cleaning’ (you catch my drift?) so I’m aiming to involve Boo and Baby G as much as I can, as well as keep one of my three as Mummy time.
I started yesterday, getting out in the winter sunshine and taking a walk, Mr G had the day off which made it an ideal opportunity to explore the countryside and get Mummy walking! Having wrapped ourselves up, put Baby G in the baby carrier, and ensured we all had wellies on (it may be sunny but it is still muddy!) we set off. Boo loved it, and we found ourselves jumping in puddles, laying on the ground to closely inspect caterpillars and searching for the lost tractors whose tracks we found on the bridleway. When we got home we checked the app on Mr G’s iphone to see how far we’d walked and were suprised we had walked 4miles…it really hadn’t felt that far! So I’m inspired that I can do this!
I will be blogging my efforts (and failures!) and hope to include some relevant reviews of products too, watch this space….. Any comments welcomed! Mrs G xx
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