5 Ways to Make Moving Easier.
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Moving house is one of the most exciting times, but it can also be really stressful. When we last moved house, I was initially very excited at the idea of moving, but as the move got closer, I got progressively more stressed about all the things which needed to be done. So, here are my 5 tips to make your move, less stressful and easier to manage!
1. Make a Moving List!
I am a great believer in making lists! Lists are a wonderful way to make sure everything gets done. In my experience it also helps me to sleep better – as it clears my mind of all those things I am trying to remember to get done! The list can be as detailed or brief as you like. I found writing a list in two columns helpful, one to do in old house, one to do for new house. One of the first things to put on your list is choose someone to help you move. It’s always worth taking the time to research your options, and book early for Moving companies London.
2. De-clutter
The first thing to do before any house move is de-clutter as much as you can. All those things you have been keeping just in case? Get rid of them! If they’ve been in the loft for a few years will you really miss them when you move? Give things away or sell them via local selling sites or Gumtree. It’ll mean less things to move, and provide a little extra cash which is always helpful during a house move!
3. Size Matters
Have you checked that your favourite sofa will fit in your new lounge? Or through the door frame? On our last move I had failed to realise just how big our corner sofa was, and it wasn’t until we came to try to get it through the front door of the new house it became clear it would not fit. Eventually we got it, partially dismantled and in via the back door through the kitchen. I can still remember the feeling of horror as I stood thinking my sofa would have to live in the garden! But it’s not just sofas, make sure you have worked out whether all your major furniture is going to fit!
4. Ask for Help!
This one sounds obvious, but as soon as you have your moving date, ask for help. If you have children or pets, make sure they have someone to take care of them during the move. While you may want children to be involved in the move, if they’re younger the need someone to take care of them while you concentrate on making sure the move runs smoothly. See yourself as the project manager of the move!
When you pack ready to move, label boxes clearly with the room they are going into. But also, write a brief description of what is in the box. So, for example – Kitchen, Baking stuff. Or Airing Cupboard – Bedding and Towels. This is really helpful for the first night in the new house, when you’re desperately trying to make the beds up, or find the tv remote… yes, we lost ours in the house move – it did turn up about 3 weeks later! It really does pay to be organised and label as you go along when packing. It may feel time consuming, but it is worth it! You can of course get your movers to pack for you, but I prefer to pack myself – mostly as it helps me to declutter even more!
For more ideas to make your move go smoothly, check out the infographic below!
Infographic Provided By Moving Leads Company, USA Home ListingsYou May Also Like

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