18weeks Pregnant..
I have been tired for most of this pregnancy so far, and finally I was told it was OK that I felt so exhausted as I have low iron stores. I’ll be honest I almost leapt across the table and kissed the registrar when he told me this, as I had been thinking I was just becoming the laziest girl in the world! Anyway, he reassured Mr G and myself, that no I was definitely exhausted due to the lack of iron, apparently my levels would normally be around 30 and currently they’re 12, so I have a nice dose of iron tablets to take and instructions to drink plenty of orange juice to help iron absorption! I’m now worried I’m going to end up constipated (a known side effect of iron tablets!) so am eating all fibre rich foods I can find! We’re reassessing our food planning, shopping and diet generally to make it rich in iron and high in fibre!
18 weeks pregnant |
I’ve had more blood tests relating to my rhesus negative blood type, as they have found an abnormality in my pregnancy booking bloods, which they’re investigating, but they’ve reassured me that the pregnancy should be OK. I get to see them again after my 20week scan, (which is two weeks today!! – yes I’m a little excited by the scan!!) to discuss what will happen next and whether I can just remain under midwife care. I’m far more chilled out with pregnancy this week than I was last, although I’m finding myself get quite agitated with people who can’t do simple jobs very frustrating, and I find myself biting my lip trying not to go “araggghhhhh! why do you have to make things difficult!”. Think I should start meditating or something?! Lots of flutterings which are baby wriggling about, which are lovely! Having to remind myself to sleep on my side which I will admit I am finding difficult as I want to roll onto my back, but all is good!
Ms G x