Vacation Rental Booking – Hacks
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Have you booked a vacation yet? Yes, the great summer get away is so close! I know more and more people opting to rent a home for a vacation. It’s a great way to enjoy a family get away! But with so many people wanting to rent holiday homes, is it becoming harder to find one? Bookings in the UK certainly seem to be up, especially with current international travel being uncertain for summer 2021!
When you’re looking to rent a holiday home, location is always really important. So, choose where you want to visit and then decide to look for places within a radius of that. You may find that it’s cheaper to stay just outside a town you want to visit, and that the facilities are better! We always use Google Earth to check out the area online, a few years ago we were about to book a rental home, and then we discovered a busy railway line was behind the house with a main road in front. It wasn’t quite what we had wanted for a holiday home, so we decided to look for something else!
Make a list of facilities you really want, so do you really need a garden, pool or play area at the property? Or would local facilities work just as well? We decided to opt for a property without a pool one year, as there was a lido close by, it saved us money, and offered more property options. However, I think now the children are older, I would prefer the onsite pool! So, make a list of you non-negotiables before you start your hunt!
This infographic is full of handy tips to help you book your vacation rental:
Provided by Shore Summer Rentals
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