Play Fest: Orchard Toys Jungle Express Puzzle!
Jigsaw Puzzles are very popular in our house, Boo loves sitting and taking them time to carefully find each piece, but I do find that I don’t necessarily use the puzzle to help Boo to learn as much as I possibly should, sometimes it is difficult to think where to begin! The Jungle Express puzzle from Orchard Toys has a variety of questions suggested to help you get the most from the puzzle! Not only are the numbers nicely displayed on the puzzle but also you get to think about names of the animals riding the train, where they might be going and use simple Mathematics in a fun way!
This was our first video review, and Boo was a little camera shy but I hope you can see how popular with him it is! He’s about to start school, and I really hope it will help him to be encouraged to try hard with his Mathematics!
Thanks to IzziWizzi and Orchard Toys for allowing us to review the puzzle for Playfest!
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