Lunch box fillers! – Deli24 Review
I often struggle with finding alternatives to go into Boo’s lunch box to keep him excited about lunch, and encourage him to eat it all! Especially when I’m then trying to abide by the school’s policies on healthy eating which rules out almost every treat! So getting the chance to review Deli24 seemed like the ideal opportunity to try something new! We were sent an impressive range of Deli24 products to try out:
Deli 24 are easy to carry sticks of meat or meat with cheese which are individually wrapped, as you can see the snacks are available to buy in multi-packs or some are available in single packs to. The snacks make the idea of eating cheese and meat fun, Boo certainly enjoyed the novelty of the snacks as a part of his lunch and has told me he thinks they’re really tasty!
There is a good variety of flavours ham & cheese, chicken and stuffing, as well as slightly spicier flavours such as sweet chilli chicken or the Pepperoni with cheese. The only flavour Boo wasn’t very keen on was the Sweet Chilli chicken, but Mr G liked that flavour so it didn’t last long! The snacks are free from artificial colourings and flavours high in protein and low in sugar.
A favourite with all the family was definitely the ham strips, and I can see us buying these again to take on family picnics!
Deli24 have lots of other suggestions for how you can use their snacks to liven up an evening meal or even as part of buffet, have a look at their site for suggestions, or perhaps suggest your own?