I would say I’ve been quite lucky in life to meet some amazing people and make some terrific friends. This weekend has been a fabulous reminder of just how lucky I am. I’ll be honest since having children the social butterfly I once was has flown and I’ve been somewhat cocooned, partly due to the requirement to sleep rather than party and also I was the first of my friends to have a child – while they were out in the pimms tent I was walking a colicky baby around in my pjs armed with a bottle of infacol.
I’ve had times when I’ve felt intolerably lonely and I think many parents do, it isn’t restricted to the baby stage. But since joining the blogger community and meeting in the virtual world some like minded ‘virtual friends’ I have begun to realise that even in my thirties I can still make friends who make my world a little more magical. This is a special post dedicated to all the lovely people i’ve had the pleasure to spend this weekend with. Liz, Amanda and Molly this is an extra special thank you for making me sit up and think about how amazingly lucky I am to be able to call you ladies friends.
Molly and the Princess
Awh! It was so brilliant spending time with you. We do indeed look like ‘special’ friends in the photo
x x
Haha we do look a bit ‘special’ in that photo!
Was great to get to spend more time with you, I had a top weekend. Lets do it again! x
Mrs Goriami
Haha! It was much fun! x
Love the photo! Looks like you had so much fun! The blogging community is wonderful isn’t it, it’s certainly helped me so much over the years. The being intolerably lonely thing is very common I think, we spend all our time looking after our kids and forget to invest time in ourselves. Hope to meet you next year at Cybher at the very least! xxx