Gifts for Mums to top 5!
Gifts for a Mum to be, may require a little thought, suddenly you can’t buy her that bottle of wine she likes and you know she’s said she’s off chocolate! Many people turn to just buying for the baby, and that’s lovely, but my fondest memory of having my first son was the bunch of flowers my brother in law arrived with – it was a simple bouquet but it really did remind me that I was as important as a new Mum as our new arrival! I’ve been quite spoilt this pregnancy, and received some lovely gifts which have made me feel super special! So here are my top super special gift ideas for Mums to be!
1. Biscuiteers
This is my top gift for any Mum to be, (or new Mum, or anyone actually!). If you’ve ever been lucky enough to sample biscuiteers you’ll know that not only do they look fabulous they taste pretty amazing too! I think the tins make gorgeous gifts, and I especially love the Mr Men biscuit tins;

Priced at £30, they look fabulous and are sure to put a smile on mum to be’s face – I think there’s a Mr Men character to suit most moods in most stages of pregnancy! If you’re looking for a slightly smaller gift they also do biscuit cards which are adorable I especially like the Little Miss Hug biscuit card! I received a biscuit card in the post from a friend congratulating me on my pregnancy and it really did make my day!

2. Project B
I received a surprise gorgeous box from Project B, which was exciting! Each box is different and aimed at each different stage of pregnancy, costing £14 per month it really is a lovely treat! Below is a photo of the goodies I received, but remember each box is different! I think this is a super gift for a Mum to be to encourage her to pamper herself as well as gather some goodies for her newborn!
3. The White Company – White Lavender Home Scenting Set.
I was sent this as a gift by Silentnight Beds, to help me sleep after a seriously restless night with grizzly children full of a cold and a uncomfortable bump! It’s beautifully packaged, and I adore the scent! I especially love the votive candle – it’s really relaxing especially in these hot evenings and I’ve been enjoying a cool bath with it lit on the window sill! Has it helped me to sleep? Well, I’ve certainly gone to bed feeling very relaxed, and I think it’s a lovely gift!

4. Nonabox
This is another monthly box, this one I purchased as I was intrigued by comments I had seen saying it was quite expensive but worth it! It arrived beautifully packaged, and I was delighted with the contents! They have a half-price sale on boxes at the moment, so it’s well worth checking them out! I have already packed the beautiful baby vest into my hospital bag for baby, and I’ve loved the Palmers skin therapy (full size) product to! I found that their customer service was super!

5. A kindle..
Yes, I can hear you shouting why on earth would a pregnant woman want a kindle?! Well, for a start they’re light to carry and then they can be used one handed.. perfect for breastfeeding Mums – as you can be sat in one place for a long time!! I have a kindle, thanks to my lovely family knowing me so well that they got me one as a present quite a while ago and I know that it will be used well in the first weeks of evening feeds!
Well, that’s my top 5 gift ideas for a Mum to be, do you have any to add? If you’re pregnant what would you love to receive as a gift, or what did you receive when you were pregnant?
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One Comment
My lovely colleagues gave me a ‘spa in a box’ for Mummys-to-be on the basis that they figured this baby probably already has everything and I love it – it’s been really nice to pamper myself with!