Getting Autumn Ready…
Collaborative Post
It may still be summer, but I am already preparing myself for Autumn. I think perhaps it is the grey, wet days we have had the last week. I’ve started thinking about the shorter days, longer nights and colder temperatures. There’s always the annual winter preparations, and ways to stay warm in winter, but this year I’m taking time to prepare a few Autumnal luxuries too.

Inspired by reading about the Danish concept Hygge, I’ve been carefully selecting candles to light the lounge. I’ve a few beautifully scented candles to pick and choose from each evening. I suppose you could say I can pick a fragrance to suit my mood!
After the a summer of wearing sandals, a new cosy pair of socks always feels like quite a luxury! Like buying the children school uniform, I always buy myself new socks. This year I’ve indulged in a pair of Cashmere socks, thanks to They are super soft, and extremely indulgent. Perfect for those evenings curled up with a good book! You may ask why I want cosy socks rather than slippers, my answer is – I can’t cosy up in slippers! So, when I’m curled up on the sofa socks are essential!
I have several books on my to read list. I try to chat to friends about books they have enjoyed as it helps me to find new authors. Autumn is a great time to get reading, and have gathered a few books ready to keep me busy as the weather turns cooler. It’s also a handy way to encourage my children to keep reading too- if they see me reading they are always keen to read themselves! By buying books now, I can build up a little collection so when I can’t get to the Library, I still have books to enjoy!

My walking routine...
Grow your own herbs.
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