
Exploring with the family – School Holiday Fun

The Easter holidays ended on a high, the return to school this morning was greeted with glorious sunshine and happy faces all round still chattering about the fun we had during the break. With the weather having been so kind to us over the last week, we made the most of it and almost every day was spent out and about.

IMG_20150418_160058876We have been out and about a lot, and Osbourne House, East Cowes, Isle of Wight was one of the places we visited. We planned to spend a few hours and then visit somewhere else, but we ended up spending the day exploring and still not managing to have enough time explore the house! The grounds are huge and run all the way down to a private beach, the English Heritage have placed an ice-cream/coffee shop on the beach front where I could easily have spent a few hours!


There are two play areas for children at Osbourne House, cleverly placed with one next to the museum themed with a fort and one next to the picnic area at the entrance which is a more conventional play area with a fabulous zip wire. The boys really enjoyed their visit, the play areas were the icing on the cake, but there is lots to see and do for families and I was really delighted with how much enjoyment they got from the visit.


We took out an English Heritage membership as to visit Osbourne House is quite expensive, one or two other visits to other places cover the costs of the annual membership fee, and there are lots of places we’d like to visit so I think it will work out well for us. It’s worth noting that if you shop at Tesco you can use your clubcard points towards an English Heritage Membership, though you need to be organised enough to do this in advance of your day out!

Linking up with Country Kids!