The easy way to Clean your Kitchen – e-cloth
Can you clean your kitchen quickly and easily without using harsh chemicals? Yes you can. There’s no messy making home-made cleaning products, it’s just a question of grabbing an E-Cloth and some water. Yes, really!
I’ve been a fan of e-cloth for several years. They’re so easy to use, and they eliminate the need for using chemical cleaning products. It’s better on my pocket, as I don’t have to buy lots of cleaning products. The reduction of my usage of chemical cleaning products is also better for our environment too. My husband used to be hugely sceptical, he has always preferred to buy a big brand name of cleaning product, and use it liberally while cleaning.
The Window cleaning pack was the e-cloth product which made my husband change his views. He was impressed with how well the wet cloth removed the dirt on windows, and the dry cloth polished the windows leaving them smear free. The windows were suddenly super shiney, I’m not sure we’d ever seen them so clean! He could clearly see the results, and this meant he was happy to try other e-cloth products too! Each product has a tag which labels it clearly, to help you avoid mixing the cloths up by accident.
Kitchen Cleaning
I think that the kitchen surface cloth, is brilliant. I love the addition of a small triangle of scouring material which helps remove any tough marks on the work tops. Surfaces are left looking fresh and clean, with just an e-cloth and some water. Each e-cloth can be washed and re-used up to 300 times, making them quite cost-effective too.
Anyone with any stainless steel in their kitchen will know that keeping it looking clean and shiny with small children in the home is a challenge! I found that the stainless steel cloth wipes away greasy finger prints with ease – and just with the addition of water!
I really like the ease of e-cloth, they’re easy to use, easy to store and work very well. If the children want to help with the cleaning I can hand them a cloth, knowing there are no chemical products which may irritate their skin, it’s just water on a very clever e-cloth!
Want to WIN an e-cloth Kitchen Kit to help you Spring Clean your Kitchen? Simply follow the simple steps on rafflecopter below – Good Luck!
Tracy Nixon
Clean the outside of your windows on a cloudy day to ensure the sun won’t dry the cleaner before you’re done wiping!
Hali Kinson
Clean one room a day so you’re always on top of things
Kim Neville
I wash all curtains and nets then work room by room decluttering and cleaning as I go along
Dust all your forgotten places like your lamp shades and drapes. Put your dryer to work and toss drapes, curtains, and even throw pillows in the dryer for 15 minutes on the “air-only” cycle, then rehang immediately to prevent wrinkles.
I probably need tips rather than am in a position to give them out! But I do find that vinegar is the best for cleaning windows.
stuart hargreaves
Start at the upstairs and do one room a day until complete
debbie melville
a room at a time with a thorough clean
Zoe C
I am ruthless, declutter regularly which makes spring cleaning easier, on a nice day I will take the curtains down, do all the windows, get the rugs outside, so glad when the weather is warmer to get all these big jobs done
Sarah Mackay
Do the clean from top to bottom
christine shelley
Start first thing before the urge passes , good time to do the conservatory windows
Ann-Marie Gould
i’m not the best person to give cleaning tips but would suggest that if you want a really good spring clean then get the family out of the house, its surprising how something your child hasn’t played with for over a year will suddenly become his most precious possession when you want to give it away/ throw it out!
Ali Thorpe
Set manageable targets e.g. clearing a drawer or a shelf so you don;t get overwhelmed halfway through.
Barbara Knight
Set a timer and do a set amount before rewarding myself with a cuppa or time for a hobby.
Clean one room thoroughly at a time and spend the same amount of time gardening so you get a good balance.
amy bondoc
i use baking powder to clean out the oven, works a treat1
Don’t try to everything in one day.
Sidrah Ahmed
One room at a time and get everyone to help out
listen to music, makes the chores a lot easier!
simon tutthill
Start downstairs then work upstairs,
clair downham
little and often and start at top work downwards
Katie Skeoch
One room at a time, I like to do the family areas first and then the bathrooms
Helen Tovell
Start by giving yourself small tasks and then gradually increase to the larger tasks as you feel rewarded for completing the smaller tasks and it inspires you to tackle the large ones.
Lorraine Stone
Rope in some helpers, give everyone a job. Make sure you have tea and biscuits to help the workers keep motivated.
laura banks
be harsh if you haven’t used it get rid
I don’t have any I need some serious help!
Jo Carroll
Never be afraid to delegate. A modern family that cleans together teams together!
maureen findley
vinegar is an excellent descaler
Caroline H
Start with a good declutter and donate/sell. Then, if you have time, tackle it room by room, removing absolutely everything except for essential furniture, clean the room then reintroduce everything after giving it a clean. If you’re prone to “too much stuff”, like me, at this stage you’ll end up looking at things and getting rid of a whole lot more!
Louise A
when getting ready to do your cleaning/DIY make sure you have everything you need for a particular job..e.g. nothing worse than realising you have no white spirit at the end of a painting job!
melanie stirling
Give everyone a job to do,it will be done quicker.
Mel Turner
Do one room at a time
Donna S
get the whole family involved, no one wants to do spring cleaning alone!
Oh I couldn’t agree with you more on that one!
I think this is one of the ways I go wrong.. I try to do more than one at once!
Oh yes! That’s a top tip, it’s much easier to clean when there’s not “stuff” everywhere isn’t it?
Hahah! There’s lots of fab ideas being shared for you
Good Luck!
Oh yes,I need to allow some gardening time!
Oh that’s a great motivator!
Eleanor Beavan
I tend to do one room a day, by the end of the week you have a gleaming home and you are stress free !
Emma whitworth
One room at a time and get rid of anything you haven’t used in the last 6 months
I start at the top of the house and work down, ending in the kitchen with tons of pots from the ‘kids’ rooms!
Priscilla Stubbs
do one room at a time and when you feel you have had enough stop, You can return to it fresh on another occasion
Laura Khomutova
I clean a little bit every day
Sam R
Plan a day when you can be on your own so you can really clean!
Mary Heald
Put the radio, involve the husband and get stuck in.
Carole E
Clean windows with vinegar and wipe them afterwards with newspaper
Jodie Cook
I try to tackle smaller jobs at a time, because the prospect of Spring cleaning everything can seem a bit daughting! I too love e-cloths and have been using them for years – first the window ones (we got double glazing and the installers recommended them), then the bathroom ones and some general purpose, but I don’t have any kitchen ones yet.
Susan Hoggett
tackle a little at a time and also give out jobs to all the family so you can get things done as a team!
Iris W
I try to keep on top of things all year round and then do one room at the time when I get round to it
Tracey Ryder
do a room each day
Fiona K
I do 15 minutes of cleaning before going to work each day, when I have the most energy, so that I can enjoy evenings for relaxation
Jade Pawley
Little & often to stay on top of things!
Andrea Upton
Take one room at a time
Cherry Edwards
Put some music on, make sure you have comfy clothes and open some windows for fresh air.
Don’t try to rush it all in one day instead spread it over a period of days.
Put music on, it’s much easier if you’re singing and dancing!x
Leanne Newsome
Don’t rush, spread it out over the course of a few days
Jade Hewlett
Try to keep up with cleaning all year round and then do a room at a time so it doesn’t take so long
Emma Nixon
Target one room and just go for it, empty cupboards, tidy up, declutter. Time passes quickly especially when you have some good lively music playing
Alison Johnson
Share it out! Hubby always does the kitchen, My son has to do the bathroom & I do the living room. Bedrooms are done by the person occupying them!
Faye Reed
Have a clear out, get rid of anything you haven’t used in over a year. Once the house it clutter free it will be easier to clean.
Jo W
Take your time and enjoy it
Pamela Gossage
I do a complete room at a time before I move on to the next
Katy Malkin
Tackle a room per day whilst your little one is napping if you have limited time with babies
Adele Hill
to get the rest of the family to help and tackle 2 rooms each
Patricia Avery
A room at a time, declutter then wash curtains and other soft furnishings so they are ready to put back once the room has been deep cleaned. I always do the worst rooms first, in my case the kitchen and bathroom
Hazel Rush
Be ruthless and throw out old junk you don’t need or use!
Rachael Marsden
Just do a room at a time and if you havent used or worn something for a year..get rid!
Andrew Hindley
When your spring cleaning play your favourite music chores are not a bore when your happy
sharon martin
i tend to tackle one room at a time as i find that easier
Kristy L Brown
I don’t spring clean – I clean all year!
Andrea A
My tactic when it comes to Spring cleaning is play music and focus on one area at a time.
Ellen Stafford
Focus on one room at a time. Do little but often. Keep on top of it during the year.
One room a day!
ellie spider
I actually do a big clean every weekend – it usually takes me half a day but I do all the bits I dont do during the week (mainly dusting, wiping over windowsills etc in the bedrooms/living room) I hoover or sweep every day due to the animals and clean the toilet/shower and kitchen everyday as I go along. Keeping on top of the cleaning means I dont really need to do a spring clean. So for me the spring clean is more about washing – curtains come down, washable rugs, throws, shower curtains, cat and dog bedding – all gets washed and hung out to dry. Rugs that dont fit in the washing machine get cleaned with the pressure washer and left out on the driveway in the sun to dry.
I’m just trying to do things as and when the mood takes me. But my biggest tactic right now is to be determined to finish a job once it’s started!
Cathy Overgage
Take a picture of before and after each room/cupboard etc. will give you motivation to keep going.
Heather Haigh
Put some high energy music on and enjoy it
Victoria Buchanan
I probably need tips rather than giving any! I guess music on helps. Not having pets would make my flat much much cleaner!!
Katherine Elliott
Don’t try and do it all in one day! put your vertical blinds in a pillowcase on a gentle wash before drying.
Rich Tyler
Tackle it on a room-by-room basis, get your groove on too!
Judi Watson-Jones
music and one room at a time and then have a break
Do what you can in the time you have available even cleaning out a draw helps to cut down the clutter.
claire little
do it as you go along and try and rope the kids in to help.
Sarah Parker
a little each day
Ian Campbell
Do little bits as often as you can. The mountain quickly becomes a molehill, and then complete. Result!
Sheena Read
I don’t have one so it does takes me ages.
Just do a hit at a time. Don’t try and do too much.
Alisa Moore
Our tactic is little and often and get everyone to be responsible for individual tasks
sarah robertson
Try to think “When last did I use it” and “when next am I likely to use it”
George Wright
Start with the smallest room!