Dramatic landscapes: Stonehenge and The solent #Countrykids
After a Christmas full of coughs and colds, we were keen to get out for some New Year fun before the return to school. Saturday saw us venture to Stonehenge, somewhere we frequently drive past but have never actually visited. It was quite possibly the coldest and certainly the windiest day we could have chosen, and we were all thankful for the shuttle bus which runs between the visitor centre and the stones! Still it was a good excuse to dance in our wellies to keep warm!
The boys enjoyed the museum, and I was quite impressed by how interested they were in looking at all the different artifacts which had been dug up at Stonehenge over the years.
Sunday brought news of the Cargo ship stuck on Bramble Bank in the Solent, we decided like a host of other families to take the children to see it. We ventured out early, and waited for the tide to come in! It was really quite amazing to see the angle the ship was sitting at, and while I don’t know that stretch of the Solent as well as some I do know that in my life time I’ve never seen a ship of that size stuck at such a precarious angle.
So, these are our first adventures of 2015! I’m linking up with #CountryKids so do check out what everyone else has been upto!